R131 billion for renewable electricity

Is daar werklik ‘n klimaatsverandering  wat tans plaasvind as natuursituasies in aggeneem word om die situasie vandag te vergelyk met die afgelope 100-150 jaar gelede.  Daar was heelwat droogtes aangeteken, verspoelings en verskeie weerpatrone plaasgevind, aardbewings vind al vir etlike eeue plaas en vulkane bars uit wat warm lawa en as die lug verplaas en alles om ons besoedel – dis natuurlike elemente.  Sommige wêreldregerings is wel van mening dat hulle reg is en dat die aarde besig is om warmer te raak of is dit nou kouer?   

Study says renewable energy power plants will overtake natural-gas plants  by 2035 | News | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper


Daar is wel ‘n groot bevolking ontploffings aan die gang, waar lande en regerings ingespan kan word om beperkte geboortes te laat plaasvind.  Omdat daar meer aanwas is en ook mineraalontginnings plaasvind is daar hewige besoedeling op verskillende vlakke van regering.  As elkeen op elke vlak van regering net hul kant bring, dan sal dit elke situasie verlig.  Mynpermitte wat uitgereik word, word nie behore uitgevoer waar daar hewige suur en afvalwater plaasvind, wat met die van munisipale owerhede meng en dit grootliks vererger.  Die mens is hul eie ondergang as hul hul pligte na behore nakom nie.

Vrae kan wel gevra word, sonder om na enige kleindruk te kyk, wat is die regtige belegging of finansiering nou eintlik wat oor die see na Suid-Afrika toe aangewaggel kom.  Om iets te finansier, beteken nie die bedrag word afgeskryf as ‘n geskenk  nie – beslis nie.  Dit gaan terugbetaal moet word teen ‘n rentekoers deur niemand anders as die belastingbetalers nie. 

Hoekom sal enige van hierdie genoemde lande soveel geld gratis uitdeel aan ‘n land wat reeds rommelstatus bereik het en korrupsie aan die orde van die dag is?  Daar word nie mooi na al die kleindruk gekyk en wat ooreenkomste presies is nie.   Gaan hierdie maar dieselfde pad volg as wat dit die afgelope 27 jaar gevolg is?


Serious questions can be asked, without looking at any small print, what is the real investment or financing actually coming to South Africa across the sea from various countries. Financing something does not mean that the amount is written off as a gift – certainly not. It is going to have to be repaid at an interest rate by none other than the taxpayers.

Why would any of these mentioned countries hand out so much money for free to a country that has already reached junk status and where corruption the order of the day?   Will this follow the same path as it has for the past 27 years?

On the contrary – what has been done about all the corruption money and especially since load shedding began more than a decade ago?   That will not change overnight in any case.

Is this type of offer not to get more about from our taxpayers situation and get our attention away with the (new dawn) “root of financing” now being taken away from the real corruption of 20-27 ++ years?

The corruption money must first be recovered and the culprits prosecuted.   How can any bank give you credit (for financing) if the previous debt has not been repaid and if there has been corruption, you are suppose to be prosecuted as an individual(s).

Therefore, before any funding from abroad is accepted by Ramaphosa and his cadres or even appropriated to give the same problem afterwards – with the same kind of internal corruption and officials need to first get rid of officers who keep their hands stuck in the cookie jar.   They all will now have “new positions” in new businesses and “corruption something of the past”?

There are still concerns about the “financing” that will end up where it should be or not – with the businesses (currently only Eskom awarding tenders or is it now the government and Ramaphosa by name and family members) that supply the country and even African countries with (green) power and sectors that empty Eskom, or will it be used for new corruption and problems?


COP26 –   The COP stands for ‘Conference of the Parties”. It’s the annual UN climate change conference, where governments get together to make crucial decisions about what they will do about the climate crisis.   COP21, the Paris agreement also referred to, is where almost all countries signed the treaty about “climate change”. 


Deals for South Africa during the November 2021 meeting at Glasgow

Details of the deal are unclear at this stage, but apparently includes investment to the tune of R131 billion over the next three to five years in the form of grants, concessional loans and investment and risk-sharing instruments (including mobilising private sector funding).

“This has the potential for significant further capital investment in South Africa  and is welcomed by Agri SA from an environmental point of view. High-value agricultural production areas have been particularly adversely impacted by coal mining and electricity generating activities in Mpumalanga and elsewhere,” says Rabie. “While Agri SA appreciates the significant implications this may have for our mining sector, the global move away from fossil-based electricity generation is inescapable and should be embraced by all role players.”



France, Germany, the UK, US, as well as the EU have agreed to finance the initial R131 billion over the next three to five years to support the implementation of South Africa’s revised plans to reduce carbon emissions.

“In preparation for COP26, South Africa submitted a revised nationally determined contribution [plan] to reduce domestic carbon emissions to within a target range for emissions of between 420 carbon dioxide-equivalent [CO2-eq] and 350 CO2-eq by 2030,” the Presidency said in a statement.

The statement added that the revised target was compatible with the goals of the Paris Agreement and represented South Africa’s best effort to confront climate change.

The statement explained that “the highly concessional finance should accelerate investment in renewable energy and the development of new sectors such as electric vehicles and green hydrogen”.

This would provide a significant boost to investment and growth, while ensuring that Eskom could access resources to finance repurposing of coal fired power-stations due for decommissioning over the next 15 years.

R131 billion funding to reduce SA’s fossil fuel use welcomed



Die groen ligte flikker ironies  agter Ramaphosa se toespraak in Glasgow by die COP26 rakende hernubare energie.   Die finansiering mag vir almal, veral besighede, goed vertoon op die stadium.   Maatskappye,  besighede en burgers, die belastingbetalers, moet onthou, hierdie finansiering moet  met hoë rentekoerse, terugbetaal word.   

Op die oog af lyk alles soos ‘n feëverhaal, ‘n belegging wat aanloklik vertoon, maar op ‘n ernstiger noodvraag, kan ‘n bankrotland so iets bekostig?   Wat as hierdie finansiering nie terugbetaal kan word nie – wat wil hierdie lande in ruil daarvoor hê?   

Daarteenoor – wat het van al die korrupsiegeld geword en veral sedert beurtkrag begin het meer as ‘n dekade gelede?   

Word ons belastingbetalers se aandag met die “wortel van finansiering” nie nou weggeneem van die korrupsie wat reeds plaasgevind het in die afgelope 27 jaar nie?   Daardie geld moet eerstens teruggevind word en die skuldiges moet vervolg word.   Hoe kan enige bank mens krediet gee, (vir finansiering) as die vorige skuld nie gedelg is nie en as daar korrupsie voorgekom het, word jy as individu vervolg.

Alvorens daar enige finansiering vanuit die buiteland bewillig word om dieselfde probleem te troetel moet die interne duur korrupsie en amptenare ontslae geraak word van beamptes wat hul handjies in die koekieblik bly vaskleef .  Andersinds is daar steeds bekommernisse, kwelvrae, gaan die “finansiering” opeindig waar dit moet wees – by die besighede (tans net Eskom wat tenders toeken of is dit nou die regering en Ramaphosa by name) wat die land en selfs Afrika lande van krag voorsien en sektore wat Eskom leeg steel, of gaan dit aangewend word vir ons probleme?   

Daarteenoor – hoeveel van hierdie groen krag gaan in ons huise en besighede opeindig as die vorige korrupsie nie uit die weggeruim is nie?

Dit is so – meeste besighede, landbousektor en burgers van die land verwelkom die “finansiering” wat deur verskeie groter lande gedoen word, grootliks om weg te beweeg van steenkoolverbruik wat die grootste oorsaak is van hoë en swaar besoedeling en beurtkrag.

Gaan beurtkrag en korrupsie daarna iets van die verlede wees?     Nee, korrupsie het nie verdwyn nie en niemand is daarvoor vervolg nie.

Dit hang ook waarskynlik net af wat die werklike redes is vir ons beurtkrag, want daar is altyd verskillende stories wat dit alles veroorsaak – as dit nie nat steenkool is of die vervoer en voorsieners daarvan nie, is daar swak administrasie en beamptes wat stadiger werk en ander wat nie weet hoe om te werk nie.

Gaan Eskom “verdeel” word soos wat Ramaphosa se planne is of is hulle al klaar verdeel?   

Tenders moet met versigtigheid bestuur word en sover kennis is dit alreeds toegeken soos Ramaphosa dit beplan het.   Familie van die regering en politieke partye, behoort nie by so iets betrokke te wees nie, veral nie uit die parlement nie.  ‘n Goeie vraag is, hoeveel familiebande en rolspelers is daar reeds betrokke, veral van die president wat fokus op die “groen krag” verbruik, naamlik Motsepe, sy vrou, Radebe en ander lede.



READ more background on the plans in this business of electicity to the whole of South Africa.

During 2018 – Two unions (The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) and Transform RSA NPC  ) representing coal interests have put a halt to the signing of 27 renewable energy power purchase agreements (PPAs), thus effectively stopping South Africa’s renewables industry in its tracks.   It appeared an end was finally in sight for the renewables PPA saga, which has been ongoing for three years, when Energy Minister, Jeff Radebe announced the 27 outstanding solar and wind PPAs would be signed on 13 March 2018, by energy utility, Eskom.  The signing of the IPP means that Eskom will require less coal fired electricity. This is likely to lead to the closure of the coal fired power plants and the impact will be that at least 30 thousand working class families will suffer because of job losses.

BUT WHY  (possible corruption?)  (and who is Jeff Radebe)

In 2015, the South African government provided the utility, which is the only entity in the country entitled to buy renewable energy power under the country’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP), with R.23 billion (US$1.75 billion) in funds to help the company stabilize its precarious finances.



NUMSA stated that  the IPP roll out will raise the cost of electricity dramatically, because IPP’s cost much more than coal fired electricity. The ANC government clearly wants to make the working class and the poor suffer even more than they do now.   

Electricity prices will skyrocket because of the IPP roll out; while at the same time that VAT and the fuel price are going up, workers are being paid slave wages of R20 per hour and less. The combination of all these factors will have dire consequences for the working class and the poor.

In December,  a study conducted by the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies at the Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany, stated that a mix of solar and wind may be over 10% cheaper than power generation from new coal and nuclear plants in South Africa, even if the cost of renewables and batteries will see no further reduction from today until 2050.



The country’s PV capacity reached 1,474 MW at the end of December 2016, while wind power generation capacity topped 1,460 MW. CSP also achieved a significant share, with 200 MW of new installed power.   Wind, PV and CSP combined were able to produce about 7 TWh last year, thus covering 3% of South Africa’s electricity demand. PV alone, the CSIR notes, was able to cover 1.1% of demand last year.   The report also stresses that tariffs for PV and wind power are now 40% cheaper than new coal in South Africa. The price for solar power decreased from ZAR 3.65 ($0.27)/kWh in November 2011 to ZAR 0.62 ($0.047)/kWh in November 2015.



The report follows the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) conclusion in its World Energy Outlook 2020 that solar power is now the cheapest electricity in history. The technology is cheaper than coal and gas in most major countries, the outlook found.



The report found a 16% fall in the cost of concentrating solar-thermal power technology – systems that use mirrors to reflect and concentrate sunlight onto a receiver.    The cost of onshore wind projects fell by 13%, and offshore wind projects by 9%.   Solar photovoltaics (PV) – the conversion of light into electricity using semiconducting materials – saw project costs fall by 7%. IRENA reported that the cost of electricity from utility-scale solar PV plunged 85% in the decade to 2020.   IRENA’s report also covers hydropower, geothermal, bioenergy and renewable heat.



The World Economic Forum collaborated with the IEA and the World Bank to produce Financing Clean Energy Transitions in Emerging and Developing Economies, a special report on renewables investment.  When it was unveiled, the IRP was criticized for the new annual build-limits for solar PV and wind imposed by the South African government. At the time, the local solar association claimed that the capping of solar and wind development was artificial and cost-ineffective, and did not reflect the real potential that solar technology can play. At the time, South Africa’s Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) had also stressed how cost reductions of wind and solar technologies combined with the large wind and solar resources in the country made it uneconomical to build any further coal or nuclear power generators.



Cheaper renewables give developed and developing countries a compelling reason to phase out coal while meeting growing energy demands, saving costs and adding jobs, IRENA said.  Retiring costly coal plants would also stop the emission of about three gigatonnes of CO2 a year – 20% of the reduction in emissions needed by 2030 to avert climate catastrophe.  Emerging economies will save up to $156 billion over the lifespan of the renewable projects added in 2020 alone, the agency added.


AND …..  Who received the tenders and who are in charge?


Patrice Motsepe has rejected claims that he will benefit from his brother-in-law President Cyril Ramaphosa’s recent decision to unbundle Eskom.

Eskom>AREP>IPP – Ramaphosa>Motsepe>Radebe



Producer Programme (REIPPP) is making a significant impact on the economy, job , community upliftment, economic transformation and climate change.      According to Radebe, the REIPPP is a competitive tender process that has been  to facilitate private sector investment into grid-connected renewable energy generation.    In a short, eight-year period, it has attracted R209.4 billion in committed private sector investment, resulting in much-needed alleviation of fiscal pressure, he said.

Eskom Radebe – IPP – REIPPP

More background information regarding Ramaphosa – Radebe and Motsepe
Eskom – Ramaphosa-Radebe-Motsepe

Die regering wil hê dat Eskom moet totaal en al in duie stort dat hul hul eie stelsels kan implementeer en beheer
Eskom grid May 2019 – Ted Blom

According to the City Press, which cited a Special Investigating Unit (SIU) report – which was handed to former president Jacob Zuma in 2017, but never officially released.
Eskom and his “fake” loadshedding coal contracts


REGSBANK – waar is dit?
The case was heard in the High Court on March 27 and, on March 29, 2018 and the case was dismissed. Judge Dawie Fourie ruled that the application was not urgent and struck the case off the roll, with costs. 
Agreements were later signed.   
Eskom – Radebe – 27 contracts

It was previously stated that Jeff Radebe  stressed that 27 new projects would stimulate 58 000 new jobs, mostly during construction and mostly in the rural areas of the Northern, Eastern and Western Cape provinces, as well as the North West, Free State and Mpumalanga provinces. 
Eskom – 27 IPP projects

Jeff Radebe says signed 27 IPP agreements a ‘new dawn’ for renewables in South Africa
27 IPP agreements – Eskom – “new dawn”


Hoe gaan 3 entiteite struktuurprobleme oplos as dit tans nie eers gedoen kan word nie, myns insiens bestaan daar nie so iets as gekyk word hoeveel elektrisiteit is buite ons land verkoop aan Botswana, Zimbabwe en heelwat Afrika lande.Jeff Radebe and Cyril Ramaphosa are married to Patrice Motsepe’s sisters 

Eskom : Ramaphosa – Motsepe – gas


Individuals such as Patrice Motsepe, Cyril Ramaphosa, Saki Makazoma, Bridgette Radebe and Mzi Khumalo are some examples of high profile black individuals driving a number of the largest BEE deals to benefit the companies which they are leading.

B-BBEE – swart bemagtiging – Motsepe

Praat van deurmekaar en nog erger is al die geld wat vir jare “oorbetaal” is, aan wie en om wie te bevoordeel uit die Eskom en selfs ander SOE sages wat “bankrot” speel.   
Is die spul regtig bankrot of is daar regtig fout met al hierdie kragstasies wat triljoene kos?

Strangled Eskom “PYRAMID SCHEMES”

Dis eerder te gemaklik om te rapporteer dat daar geen steenkool is, terwyl groot gedeeltes eerder na China en ook Indië uitgevoer word.  Brics lande.  

Coal South Africa – Steenkool

Ons as belastingbetalers moet van elke sent rekenskap gee – maar hierdie sindikate speel op SARS se voorstoep.

Eskom – Sindikate – syndicates

Aanstellings wat sedert 1994 gedoen word is nie bevoegd genoeg om die werk of onderhoud te doen nie, dit sluit ook die tipe van steenkool in wat gelewer word.   Dit is sabotasie.   Wie het voor 1994 ook die elektrisiteit gesaboteur?   die ANC.

Eskom sages is reeds ‘n ramp “SABOTAGE”

Hierdie gebied en alles wat hulle oprig,  gaan slegs deur die Chinese gebruik word.  Die chinese se eie gebied binne 25 jaar, sommer so sonder enige besluitneming van enige etniese volk wat daarteen gekant is. 

China-staat in Limpopo

May 2019 – The South African Minister of Energy, Honourable Jeff Radebe, is heading up a stellar line up of expert speakers and will once again deliver the opening ministerial address on 14 May. The 19thedition of this leading conference and exhibition is expected to attract more than 10 000 energy and water professionals this year.
Powergen Africa


How to get rid of citizens?  Is to promote  crime, killings, rapes, mass immigrants, mostly illegals –  the  Crime factor is sky high in South Africa and 15% Vat income to government is also free to the government – they allow immigrants and illegals to enter the country with various reasons, they control the land and open borders. 

Illegal electrical connection – theft and corruption

Aan wie was Solly Tshitangano verantwoordelik vir sy dade by Eskom en selfs by ander plekke waar hy voorheen werksaam, selfs voordat mnr De Ruyter by Eskom begin werk het?    

Eskom  – Solly Tshitangano

Presenting its report titled: “No Room to Hide”, Outa’s Portfolio Director of Energy, Mr Ted Blom, said: “Not long ago Eskom was ranked among the top five utilities in the world. But how the cost and status of Eskom has dwindled can be discerned from its financial statements. Eskom never mentioned that its irregular financial activities amounted to R3bn. Its audit firm Sizwe Ntsaluba has raised concern about the R3bn that has no source documents for payments.

Corruption – Eskom – Parlia – ment

Eskom has suspended its general manager, Velaphi Ntuli at the Koeberg Power station, while investigations are being conducted into his performance at the nuclear power station.  Unit 1 is not working since January 2021.

Eskom Koeberg

De Ruyter stated that while load shedding has been going on for over 15 years, there are a number of issues that have caused the regular power cuts. He explained that one of the reasons is a lack of maintenance dating back to the apartheid regime.  (Briefly)  Nonsense.  We as the public must pay for expensive expenditures, load sheddings, extra security and insurances.

Eskom design faults

Who is the Michael Lomas who took so much from Eskom and how did he manage it over the years? Who does he really work for? He is not alone in this either.

Eskom corruption – Michael Lomas

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