16 Junie / June 2021

Concentration camp day – any people, provided it is a people, has remembered days or specific moments of those days and what happened.   Even great moderate nations have their own remembering days. And coincidentally, June 16 and December are known dates to most of us and will always remain of those days to remember. Of course there are other days, some unknown to many of us, but the two days are directly related to each other.  

On this day in history: 523 die in Anglo Boer War black concentration camps  - Alberton Record


No matter what, if ethnic people is part of a country where no recognition is given to them, there will be always things related to such a people – we as white minority group of people are stripped of human rights and violated daily by the black government in South Africa.    (All whites, because legislations are against the WHITES in South Africa, and we as Boers and Afrikaners are part of that group).


People outside of South Africa do not know and do not want to hear or read that blacks and khoi san peoples still have their own separate trustlands and cpa’s (previously known as homelands / reserves or british crown land). 

Trustgebiede – Tuislande – Reservate

Zulu people – Ingonyama Trustland

Zulu kingdom  Ingonyama Trust

Ingonyama Trustland (Zulu people)

Richtersveld –  KHOISAN AND CPA

Richtersveld  – Diamonds

We as people did not steal the Blacks or Khoisan’s properties or any of their traditional lands – because they are still living there, with their more than 8840 traditional leaders.      They also bought more than 7.5 million properties and the government took/bought more than 5000 farms since 1994.   

The 7.5 million black ownership in SA

Indigenous land (old homelands)  – Trustland  – CPA  – landclaims

What happened to most businesses and companies in South Africa – they are all B-BBEE and EE companies/businesses – and guess who is receiving the benefits?

Cyril Ramaphosa – Shanduka

B-BBEE – Shanduka black umbrellas

If or when the white people speak about their own areas, like we have before the Anglo-Boer Wars, then most of them, the supporters, the ANC and other leaders as well as the outide world see it as “apartheid”.   

It is not the case, it is an international right to rule yourself as people.  Is South Sudan also then illegal or “apartheid” since 2011   No.   Why is the EU not one country but different countries and why dit England Brexit out of the EU?

There are thousands of evidence from the SA Parliament, legislations, white papers, constitution etc about this separate areas after 1994 – for the Blacks and Khoi san only, with separate legislations.    It is their right to have their own areas and leaders, but the same must be for the White people in this country.

For example, Ingonyama Trustland is for Zulu only and the Richtersveld is for Khoi san only.  There are others as well.

The ANC and their cadres stripped the whites of everything on a daily basis since 1994.   Still the handful of them (Boers and Afrikaners) that are still in the country are working and battles for their own survival.    They were robbed on many levels, but it also strengthens our legacies, which the youth of today should pass on – when they do their homework about the history of our people.    Why did so many left the country while others were killed, especially on farms?


Black empowerment, discrimination and racism are largely the babies of the liberal whites, applied by the current government. Many of the white liberals are sitting on more than one chair and deceiving our people with their falsehood and organizations that support ANC communism and cadres.

Those must also remember,  the wheel will turn and go back from those who “planned” those things – those will also be held accountable. Maybe it does not bother them now, because they are too busy making money from our poor people and tax, but it will turn around.


Enige volk, mits dit ‘n volk is, het onthou dae, of sekere tye of spesifieke dinge wat op daardie dae gebeur het – dit gaan alles oor ‘n terugblik in ons volk se geskiedenis.   

Selfs groot matige nasies het hul onthou dae.   En toevallig is  16 Junie en Desember bekende datums en sal altyd van daardie dae bly om te onthou.  Natuurlik is daar ander dae, sommige onbekend aan baie van ons mense, maar die twee dae is direk verwant aan mekaar.   

Dit is wêreldwyd so,  maak nie saak of mens deel is van ‘n land waar daar geen erkenning aan ons gegee word, behalwe dat ons daagliks van menseregte gestroop en geskend word nie.    Die ANC en hul kaders, wat wil liberale insluit, stroop ons daagliks van alles, en steeds is die handjievol wat steeds in die land is, werkend aan ons eie voortbestaan. Alles van ons word vernietig.

Ons word wel beroof op baie vlakke van ons samelewing, maar dit versterk ook ons nalatenskappe, wat die jeug van vandag behoort oor te dra. 

Swart bemagtiging, diskriminasie en rassisme is grotendeels babas van die liberaal verligte blankes, wat deur die huidige regering toegepas word.   Onthou gerus Dakar en Amerika samesprekings.    Heelwat van die blank verligtes sit op meer as een stoel en bedrieg ons mense met hul valsheid en organisasies wat die ANC-kommunisme en kaders steun.  Diegene moet ook onthou, die wiel draai, en hiervoor sal ook rekenskap geëis word.   Dalk pla dit hulle nie, want hulle is te besig om geld uit ons armes te maak, maar ook daardie diefstal sal eendag voor verantwoordelikheid gedoen word.    Die wiel gaan draai, soos bewys in geskiedenis. 


Go back in our history – 120 years plus and see what happened on this day.

Stap so bykans 120 jaar terug op ons voorouers se voetspore en onthou wat ons grootouers en voorsate vir ons gedoen het.  As dit nie vir hulle was wat oorleef het, opgestaan het uit die ashoop van vernedering, voortgebeur het en weer opgebou het, was ons nie vandag daar om te onthou nie.

Gedenkdag – onthou 16 Junie-June 2019 : Remember this day


Dit was die Engelse wat sover gekom het om ons voorgeslagte by te kom en hul lande met minerale kom vat het, nie andersom nie. Wat sou die Engelse gedoen het as dit ons Boere was wat hulle in hul eiland gaan aanval het? Wat sou Rusland gedoen het as ons Boere hulle gaan aanval het in 1900? Lees meer oor die geskiedenis, hier is net ‘n druppel in die emmer.

ABOorloë – ABWars

Two independent Boer republics

Concentration camps – ABW

English Crown and the Boers

ABW concentration camps – Rudie Rousseau ea

British concentration camps – ABW (Rudie Rousseau)

Britse konsentrasiekampe Hester de Beer

“Geskroeide aarde”-“Scorched earth” (1)

“British rule” Colonial rule

Veelrassige organisasies – ABN

ABN en Dinokeng

Inhoudsopgawe B-BBEE Index

Regstellende aksie – Affirmative Action – Dakar 1989

Dakar 1986-.. – Notes of H Giliomee

Dakar-Kodesa 1982-1986-1994

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