Government CPA – Commonwealth – Statebond


The organisation administers the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP), a network across the Commonwealth which promotes greater representation for women in Parliament, the CPA Small Branches network, representing parliaments and legislatures with populations below 500,000 people, and the Commonwealth Youth Parliament, an annual gathering of young people hosted by a Commonwealth Parliament.


Die organisasie administreer die Vroue Parlementariërs van die Statement (VPS), ‘n netwerk regoor die Statebond wat groter verteenwoordiging vir vroue in die hoof parlement bevorder.   Die KEV behels die kleiner netwerke, wat parlemente en wetgewers verteenwoordig met bevolkings onder 500 000 mense.   Die Jeug Parlement van die Statebond hou ‘n jaarlikse byeenkoms van jongmense wat deur ‘n Statebondparlement gehuisves word.   Hierdie KEV van die Statebond is sedert 1911 in werking in Suid-Afrika.  Jan Smuts en Louis Botha, sowel almal tot en met 1961 is deel van London, en so ook diegene wat sedert FW de Klerk oorgeneem het met sy vals referendum.

Vir baie is al hierdie administratiewe funksies te lywig om te lees, maar dis waar ons almal, wat deel is van die Statebond bepaal word.   Dit is ‘n pyn vir elkeen om langdradige notules en besluite na te gaan en dan kla elkeen steen en been op sosiale media, wat net mooi niks beteken nie en totaal waardeloos is.

Dit is regeringsleiers wat daarmee saamstem om deel van die Statebond te wees en nie die onderskeie volke nie.  Dit het net na die Anglo-Boere oorloë begin gebeur en die leiers van die Unie is deel van die Britse statebond.    Dit is nie soseer ‘n blanke regering nie, dit is en word vanuit buite ons grense beheer – en ons is die gewillige slawe.   Dis hoe dit ook werk:   Regeringsleiers is normaalweg almal in parlement vir die sogenaamde demokratiese stelsel, wat slegs teen blankes diskrimineer.     

Elke lid in die onderskeie parlemente (SA bevat 400 lede) het in 1994 ingestem daartoe om lid van die Statebond te wees.  Indien parlementslede nie daarmee saamgestem het nie, sou daar al lankal pogings aangewend gewees het om vryheid te bekom.   Finansies en byvoordele is uiters belangrik vir hierdie hoë skakels, wat later afwentel na provinsies en plaaslike en streeksrade, wat ook die tradisionele leiers (khoi san, griekwas en swartes hierby insluit).


CPA UK (Commonwealth Parliamentary Association)

The “Association” since 1911….

The CPA Commonwealth is governed by an International Executive Committee which controls the management of activities and business of the Association. The Committee consists of 35 Members: the Officers of the Association, the Chairperson of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians and three Regional Representatives from each Region except Africa which, as a large Region, has six Representatives.   The Committee meets just prior to the General Assembly, to which it reports, and holds a second meeting in another Commonwealth country midway between General Assemblies.

Based in the heart of the UK Parliament, CPA UK has worked to support and strengthen parliamentary democracy across the Commonwealth since our establishment in 1911.

Working with over 60 countries and jurisdictions across the Commonwealth our approach of peer to peer learning is central to our methodology. We design bespoke programmes and projects between parliamentarians and staff in the UK and other Commonwealth parliaments to enable and facilitate knowledge-sharing and development of good-practice.

Commonwealth nations work together to implement our shared values and principles which are in the Association.


Die Parlementêre Vereniging van die Statebond vloei voort in al die statebondslande.    – Die KEV (CPA) is in 1911 by ‘n vergadering van regeringshoofde in Westminster Hall gestig, aangesien die destydse Empire Parlementêre Vereniging en sy sake deur die Britse tak geadministreer is. Die oorspronklike lede was Australië, Kanada, Newfoundland, Nieu-Seeland, Suid-Afrika en die Verenigde Koninkryk.

The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association – The CPA was founded in 1911 at a meeting of Heads of Government in Westminster Hall as the then-Empire Parliamentary Association and its affairs were administered by the UK Branch. The original members were Australia, Canada, Newfoundland, New Zealand, South Africa and the United Kingdom.

1911 – South Africa – Commonwealth Parliamentary Association


Tydens ‘n amptelike besoek aan London, het Ramaphosa die Koningin by die Windsor-kasteel ontmoet (CHOGM 2018) by te woon wat op 19-20 April 2018 plaasgevind het.   Dit is die plek van “goud”.    Waar het hulle die goud gekry?    MAY het SA besoek en “gronddiefstal” en ‘hervorming sonder vergoeding’ ondersteun.

Ramaphosa paid  a courtesy call on Her Majesty the Queen at the Windsor Castle during a working visit to London to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM 2018) taking place on 19-20 April 2018.   This is the place of “gold”.   Where did they get the gold?    MAY visited SA and supported “land theft” accusations.

British rules, Commonwealth, Trustlands


Let gerus op ooreenkomste tussen Britse koloniale bestuur in Afrika met die van Ierland, wanneer die “HOME RULES” ook op die Ierse volk van toepassing gemaak is en bloedige gevegte daaruit voortgespruit het. Alle “bestuursake” word onder die dekmantels van wetgewings gedoen sodat dit vir almal moet lyk of die heersers die regte kanale volg – en ook koppel aan “demokrasie”.

Notice the similarities between British colonial rule in Africa and that of Ireland, when the “HOME RULES” were also applied to the Irish people and bloody battles resulted from that. All “management matters” are done under the guise of legislation so that it must appear to everyone that the rulers follow the right channels – and also link to “democracy”.
Statebond – Commonwealth


Volgens inligting is London die wêreld se primêre feodale grondeienaar, wat natuurlik koningin Elizabeth II is. Sy is koningin van 32 lande, hoof van ‘n Statebond van 54 lande waarin ‘n kwart van die wêreld se bevolking woon, en wettige eienaar van sowat 6,6 miljard hektaar grond, een sesde van die aarde se landoppervlak. Haar posisie is ‘n oorblyfsel van die laaste en grootste grondryk in die geskiedenis, gerugte van wie se ondergang ietwat voortydig blyk te wees op grond van haar posisie en besittings. Maar haar mag is werklik, en dit spruit uit ‘n tradisie gebaseer op ‘n spesifieke en ongebalanseerde verhouding tussen heersers en die regeerdes.   

Waarom hou hulle, veral ons owerhede vol dat die Boere moet afstand doen van hul grondgebiede en dit teen geen vergoeding?   Indien hulle die Boere republieke geannekseer het is hulle nie die wettige eienaar van plase nie, of hoe moet hierdie geannekseerde gebiede wees.   Dit gebeur ook in ander lande waar daar oorloë plaasvind, waar daar onwettige besettings is.

Dieselfde geld vir die Kroongebiede en Reservate, agterna met grondeise verkry die ‘eienaars’ wat dink hulle besit die grond, slegs lewensreg op daardie grond.   Daar word slegs ‘n lewensreg sertifikaat toegeken en oorhandig.    Daarom kan aanrandings en moorde die direkte oorsaak hiervan wees en nie uit die oog verloor word nie.  Dis hoekom die Engelse destyds hier in SA kom oorlog maak het met ‘n handjievol Boere, hul vroue en kinders, wat hul in  britse helkampe gegooi het.   Die handevol rykes, die ‘Randlords’ is oral geplaas om Paul Kruger ‘n harde tyd te gee. 

Wat titelakte aanbetref, dit is grondbesit en nie slegs lewensreg nie – met titelakte beteken daardie persoon is die wettige eienaar van die grond, plaas of huis.

The world’s primary feudal landowner is Queen Elizabeth II. She is Queen of 32 countries, head of a Commonwealth of 54 countries in which a quarter of the world’s population lives, and legal owner of about 6.6 billion acres of land, one-sixth of the earth’s land surface. Her position is a relic of the last and largest land empire in history, rumours of whose demise would appear to be somewhat premature based on her position and possessions. But her power is real, or at least legally real, and it derives from a tradition based on a specific and unbalanced relationship between rulers and the ruled.
Commonwealth – Billionaires


Wat is in hul manifes vervat?   Lees wat daarin staan.

What is in their manifesto?  And they are still involved here, even on all other colonial states.   Read the Charter of the Commonwealth.

“British rule” Colonial rule


Kenya is ‘n Britse kolonie en het ook reservate soos wat Suid-Afrika het.    (1854-1961).   Van die gebiede is na Trustgebiede verander.   Die land is in drie sone verdeel.

Kenya do have “reserves” like it was here in South Africa – 1854-1961.   Today they also have “TRUSTLANDS” like in South Africa.   Land alienation in Kenya : During the colonial period, land in Kenya was divided into three parts, namely the Scheduled Areas, the Coast and the Trust Lands. The latter were also known as Native Reserves or non-scheduled areas.  
Kenya – Trustland and british colony


Britse setlaars het net na die Anglo Boere oorlog hierheen gekom met opdragte om uit te voer. Daar is spesifiek plase uitgedeel en ander gekoop, nadat die Britse regering die Vrystaat en ZAR geannekseer het.

Who received farms from the Freestate and the old Transvaal?
Britse Setlaars – 1904 – Westminster


Die Hertog van Westminster, het tientalle gesinne uit Londense raadhuise geskop om luukse woonstelle te bou (£9.3 biljoen)  – hy is die wêreld se rykste persoon onder die ouderdom van 30 nadat hy £9,3 biljoen geërf het en sy pa se titel nadat hy drie jaar dood is gelede.

Duke of Westminster, worth £9.3billion, planned to kick dozens of families out of London council homes to build luxury flats – he is the world’s richest person under the age of 30 after he inherited £9.3billion and his father’s title after dying three years ago.
Duke of Westminster, London


In die voetheuwels van die Maluti-berge vorm Prynnsberg deel van ‘n string landgoedere wat vir Britse oud-dienspligtiges in die Oos-Vrystaat gestig is – min van hulle groter as Prynnsberg, die eeu-oue tuiste van Charles Newberry, ‘n skrynwerker wat geïmmigreer het. na Suid-Afrika in 1864, voordat hy op pad is na Kimberley waar hy sy fortuin gemaak het.

In the foothills of the Maluti Mountains, Prynnsberg forms part of a string of gentleman’s country estates established for British ex-servicemen in the eastern Free State – few of them grander than Prynnsberg, the century-old home of Charles Newberry, a carpenter who immigrated to South Africa in 1864, before making his way to Kimberley where he made his fortune.
Prynnsberg – Estate of Grace


Een van die eerste tuislande in Suid-Afrika wat vooruitgang sterk bevorder het, selfs ‘n eie ekonomie en geldstelsel.   Dit was Kgosi Lucas Manyane Mangope, een van die vorige Tuisland-leiers wat ‘n pronkstaat, Bophuthatswana, regeer het. Bophuthatswana was een van die 10 tuislande en onafhanklikheid (TBVC) wat deel van hul toekoms met Hendrik Verwoerd se flikkerende woorde, ‘n beleid van goeie buurmanskap (verskeie toesprake) uitgevoer het.   

Suid-Afrika was betrokke by al die ou reservate/tuislande (10) se vordering en ekonomiese groei, ook behulpsaam met opleiding in polisie, weermag en besighede bevorder. 

Hierdie volke van die onderskeie Tuislande, het almal wettige stemreg gehad in hul eie gebiede en het hul eie leiers gekies.  Vandag kan hierdie lande, wat eens modelstate was vir onafhanklikheid, niks wys nie.  Hulle is almal totaal afhanklik van die belastingbetaler en sal nooit vryheid smaak nie.

Kgosi Lucas Manyane Mangope, one of the previous Homeland leaders had ruled a showpiece state, Bophuthatswana.  Bophuthatswana was one of the 10 homelands and independence (TBVC) was part of their future with Hendrik Verwoerd’s twinkling words, “a policy of good neighbourliness” (various speeches).
Wyle Dr H F Verwoerd – 6 September 2019

More information –
Meer inligting

Referred to the various British Empire flags, rules – this Sheptone legislation/policy is about SEGREGATION AND APARTHEID – reserves and Crown lands.

British Empire and their colonial rules/flags

Die Britte se beleid – hulle beleid hou nooit op nie…
British Empire was known to be “the empire on which sun never sets” and when Queen Victoria came to throne in 1873, Britain already governed Canada, Australia, New Zealand and parts of India, South America and Africa. Here are some more interesting facts about British Empire.

‘United we stand’ – British rule

Balfour verklaring  – Jan Smuts

J C Smuts, Balfour, Zionism

Kibbutz called Jan Smuts

Jan Smuts  –   Churchill –    Rhodes  –   apartheid  : British rules

Reeds voor 1994 het hulle begin beplan om al ons besighede te begin vernietig met rassistiese wetgewing teenoor blankes.

Black economic empowerment  – racism against the white minority in South Africa.

Swart bemagtiging Inhoud B-BBEE Index

British were adamant to annex the two Boer republics for their minerals, gold and diamonds, etc.

Shepstone – Natal, roots of segregation

Wie het apartheid in 1854 begin – daar was reeds aparte gebiede.
Who started the apartheid system in 1854?
Apartheid –   1854

Ingonyama Trustland (Zulu people)

Trustgebiede  –  Tuislande  –  Reservate en Kroongebiede

Richtersveld 1847

Richtersveld  –  KHOISAN AND CPA

Gold and diamonds -1886 – Griqualand West

Zoeloes –  Ingonyama Trust and land reform


11 gedagtes oor “Government CPA – Commonwealth – Statebond”

  1. […] The organisation administers the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP), a network across the Commonwealth which promotes greater representation for women in Parliament, the CPA Small Branches network, representing parliaments and legislatures with populations below 500,000 people, and the Commonwealth Youth Parliament, an annual gathering of young people hosted by a Commonwealth Parliament. Government CPA – Commonwealth […]


  2. […] The organisation administers the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP), a network across the Commonwealth which promotes greater representation for women in Parliament, the CPA Small Branches network, representing parliaments and legislatures with populations below 500,000 people, and the Commonwealth Youth Parliament, an annual gathering of young people hosted by a Commonwealth Parliament. Government CPA – Commonwealth […]


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