Dr Venter – NP previous government

None of the black or coloured men or women in parliament today, or even any men, have stood up for ONE minute and acknowledged what Rina Venter or her liberal colleague did to our people during the 1980’s?  Her stories with those of De Klerk and the liberals of Dakar are the same.     None of them in Parliament demanded to stop black empowerment or expropriation because they violate our Boer and conservative Afrikaner’s human rights.  This was all well planned by the previous and the current government, with the liberals.  That was why some Afrikaner liberals went to Dakar, outside our borders to plan it with the communists.

Image result for rina venter foto 1990


None of them or their 8840 traditional leaders who have already received their land claims after 1994, that  have been awarded with many perks.    The goverment bought over 5,000 farms with tax money, and nothing happened with those productive farms.     Nobody has ever offered any of us to stay there on their lands, because the land claims and trustland laws do not provide for any other people or strangers and belong only to those within the landclaims.   

After 1994

There are still separate areas only for them – millions and millions of hectares of land.  They are not landless.   They all received millions and trillions of land with their landclaims from tax payers money.


Nie een van die Afrikaner liberaliste, swart, bruin/khoisan mans of vroue in parlement vandag, het al EEN minuut opgestaan en erkentenis gegee aan wat Rina Venter of haar Afrikaner liberaliste of kommuniste aan ons Boere of konserwatiewe Afrikaners gedoen het nie?    

Nie een van die spul het al een dag in die parlement opgestaan of kapsie gemaak teenoor swart bemagtiging of onteiening nie.   Inteendeel word dit erger by die dag.   Wie wen hierdeur – die elites, niemand anders nie en intussen diskrimineer hulle teenoor elke Boer en konserwatiewe Afrikaner asook hul besigheid/maatskappy wat landbou insluit.  Dit is en bly menseregte skendings.

Daar is nie een van hulle of hul tradisionele leiers (8840) wat reeds almal grondeise ontvang het, toegeken is met baie byvoordele, die 5000 plase wat deur regering aangekoop is met belastinggeld, wat al ooit aangebied het dat ons daar mag bly nie, want die grondeise en trustwette maak nie daarvoor voorsiening nie, dis steeds aparte gebiede slegs vir hulle.


Dr Rina Venter praat oor haar ervarings.  She spoke about her contacts in the 1980’s with the old liberal Afrikaners  and the connections in churches…

Kontak – contact
She was the President Vroue federation (federasie)




UDF – 1985 – intimidation started – 2



Video 3



Video 4

Her liberal viewpoint


Video 5


(youngsters misused their power)
(Gerrit Viljoen) – (Wynand Malan) – (Gert Opperman)


Video 6


 (Jans Rautenbach)FW de Klerk nominated Rina to parliament
Ministerial representative – limited
FW appointed Rina Minister of Health

*Video 7

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