Ramaphosa – swart bemagtiging kommissie


Dit is gedurende 2000 berig.   Ramaphosa, die huidige president van Suid-Afrika, was voorsitter van die Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtigingskommissie, wat gehelp het om Suid-Afrika se breë-gebaseerde bemagtigingsbeleid te vestig. Dit het reeds in 1989 begin waar liberaal verligtes dit voorgestel het in Dakar, buite ons land se grense.   Nie almal is op hoogte van sake wat destyds voor 1990 buite ons landsgrense plaasgevind het nie.  Die wat geweet het, het wel hul gesigte weggedraai.  Groot hoeveelhede besighede was hierby betrokke.

bbbee kommissie


Rakende Opleiding moet daar ook gekyk word wat na 1994 gebeur het met al die swart skole wat of totaal afgebrand is, of afgebreek, geplunder is, omdat hulle nie wil skoolgaan nie, maar steeds word apartheid of blankes die skuld gegee (na 20 jaar) vir hul eie swak onderwysstelsel.

Hier is ook baie belangrike menings tydens die 2000-gesprekke in die Parlement genotuleer in notules (Hansards.   Die wetgewings (B-BBEE) Black Economic Empowerment (SEB) is ras-selektiewe wetgewings, wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse regering bekendgestel is om kwansuis die ongelykhede van Apartheid reg te stel deur aan swart (Swartes, Kleurlinge en Indiërs), Suid-Afrikaanse burgers ekonomiese voorregte te gee wat nie aan Blankes beskikbaar is nie.

Die Chinese mense is deel daarvan om aansoek te doen vir werk onder B-BBEE en hulle is in 2008 as swart verklaar. Hy het verder swakhede bespreek wat onder die rasse wetgewings gebeur maar hulle hou dit voor as ANC beleid, wat dit nie is nie.  Heelwat regerings en ambassadeurs, verteenwoordigers van ander lande, sluit ooreenkomste vir werkgeleenthede, op dieselfde basis en wat swart bemagtiging en regstelaksies insluit.  DUS is hulle almal netso skuldig om teen ‘n handjievol minderheid Boere en konserwatiewe Afrikaners te diskrimineer.

Ons as BOERE EN KONSERWATIEWE AFRIKANER VOLK het die reg tot ‘n eie regering, om onsself te regeer.   Daar word teen ons gediskrimineer en alles van ons as volk word vernietig.  Hoekom moet ons onderdruk word met swart bemagtiging, regstelaksies, ons grond weggevat word, ons mag nie opvoeding in Afrikaans geniet nie.

Verwys na die Volkstaatraad van 1994 se ondersoeke en aanbevelings dat ons ‘n reg het tot ons eie gebiede, volle soewereiniteit.    Sonder rassisme, diskrminasie en kommunisme.

Swart bemagtiging wetgewing – volg die voetspore van Ramaphosa en Rob Davies, 2000 … 1999 … 1998 …  Kommissie se bespreking rakende swart bemagtiging op 12 September 2000 – voorsitter Ramaphosa.    Blankes word uitgesluit van wetgewing en beleidsdokumente.    Selfs grondeise , maar hulle dink hul kan koning kraai oor die ou Boere republieke se grondgebiede wat deur ons voorgeslagte ontwikkel en aangekoop/verkry is.


Prof Turok (ANC) het die dokument as baie indrukwekkend beskryf en as ‘n soort nuwe HOP voorgestel. WEER van nuuts af, dieselfde ding weer en weer.

Mnr Lott Ndlovu, Kommissaris van die Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtigingskommissie, het gehelp met die antwoorde op sommige vrae, insluitend hierdie een. Hy het gesê dat daar twee afsonderlike drade is om te oorweeg: swart professionele mense en swart kapitaliste. Hy het gesê dat nie een van die draad sterk genoeg is om ‘n groot bydrae hier te maak nie.

Hy het aangedui dat organisasies van swart professionele persone gereelde veranderinge in hul leierskap het aangesien hul leiers ander geleenthede het, dus is hierdie organisasies inherent swak. Hy het gesê dat swart besigheid meer ‘n idee as ‘n werklikheid is en dat swartes histories bloot verbruikers was.

Hy het ook opgemerk dat die swart bourgeoisie byna nie die behoefte sien om te mobiliseer nie en dat sy lede nie behulpsaam is nie omdat hulle begin dink dat hulle geslaag het vanweë hul persoonlike meriete en dan weier om ander te help.

Mnr Ramaphosa het gesê dat die patriotisme daar is onder swart professionele persone en swart besighede, maar dat dit op ‘n deurlopende basis gekoester, aangemoedig en versterk moet word. Hy het gesê dat hierdie gemeenskappe progressiewe posisies moet verwoord.

Portefeuljeverslag / Notule 2000:

Die Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtigingskommissie is twee en ‘n half jaar gelede gestig om maniere te bestudeer om swart Suid-Afrikaners te bemagtig om meer ten volle aan die ekonomie deel te neem. Cyril Ramaphosa, voorsitter van die Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtigingskommissie, het die basiese elemente van die dokumente wat van die Kommissie sou kom, verduidelik.

Hy het gepraat van swart ekonomiese bemagtiging as deel van die transformasieproses, die behoefte daaraan verduidelik en die instellings uiteengesit wat die Kommissie sou voorstel om dit te implementeer. Dit sluit in ‘n Investment for Growth Accord, ‘n Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtigingswet, en ander implementeringsagentskappe. Na afloop van die aanbieding was daar uitgebreide besprekings.

Ramaphosa-kommissie 1998

Mnr Ramaphosa het eerstens die noodsaaklikheid verduidelik om swart ekonomiese bemagtiging en die Kommissie se fokus daarop te definieer as ‘n transformerende proses wat daarop gemik is om vorige ongelykhede reg te stel en betekenisvolle ekonomiese deelname deur swart mense te verseker. Hy het verduidelik dat daar beide ‘n morele en ‘n ekonomiese argument vir hierdie proses is, laasgenoemde as gevolg van die ekonomiese reperkussies van die marginalisering van die swart meerderheid buite die ekonomie.

Tweedens het mnr Ramaphosa gepraat van ‘n Wet op Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging. Nadat hy kortliks na die situasie van swart vroue in Suid-Afrika verwys het, het hy gesê dat hierdie wet ‘n behoefte aan ‘n mate van koördinasie sal aanspreek. Dit sal swart ekonomiese bemagtiging definieer, aanwysers uiteensit waarvolgens die private en openbare sektore vordering sal meet, verkrygingsteikens stel en staatsdepartemente vereis om jaarlikse swart ekonomiese bemagtigingsverslae in te dien.

Op hierdie stadium het mnr Ramaphosa verwys na sy ervarings in besigheid en die verskynsel van maatskappye op reis van selfontdekking met wetgewing oor billike indiensneming wat leer hoe hulle hulpbronne vermors het en die behoefte om die benadeeldes op te hef, geïgnoreer het. Hy het gesê dat die parameters in die Wet leiding aan mense kan gee om hul sokkies op te trek en by die nuwe Suid-Afrika aan te sluit.

Hy het verduidelik dat die Kommissie drie implementeringsagentskappe voorstel. Eerstens moes daar ‘n liggaam in die President se kantoor wees (wat hy die Nasionale Bemagtigingskommissie genoem het) sodat hierdie kwessies op die hoogste vlak sou wees. Tweedens behoort daar ‘n Nasionale Verkrygingsagentskap te wees wat regeringstendering sal verander. Derdens het die dokument die meer komplekse voorstel vir ‘n Nasionale Bemagtigingsfondsagentskap verduidelik wat kwessies van kapitaalbeskikbaarheid sal aanspreek.

Laastens het mnr Ramaphosa kortliks verwys na die behoefte aan ‘n geïntegreerde Menslike Hulpbronstrategie wat die groot misdaad van die weiering van toepaslike onderwys aan swart mense sal aanspreek. Dit sou ‘n sleutel wees om die toekoms vir almal te ontsluit. Hy het ook kortliks verwys na die behoefte aan institusionele en strukturele veranderinge wat landelike ontwikkeling sal aanspreek.

Mnr Zita (ANC) het gevra hoe swart ekonomiese bemagtiging verband hou met klaskragte onder werkers, die swart middelklas en die swart bourgeoisie. Hy het opgemerk dat werkers dalk besighede wil besit of vir koöperasies wil werk. Mnr Ramaphosa het sy kommentaar oor werkers as eienaars gelewer as “hoekom nie?”. Hy het aangedui dat die verslag nuwe vorme van eienaarskap sal vra in terme van gemeenskapseienaarskap en selfs aandeeleienaarskap. Hy het verklaar dat die Kommissie ook koöperasies bestudeer.

Mnr Ramaphosa het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die verslag maniere sal vind vir baie meer mense om spelers in die ekonomie te wees en dat dit opwindend is om eienaarskap te probeer versprei. Mnr Ndlovu het bygevoeg dat vakbonde self dikwels kapitaliste is deur hul beleggings en daar is kwessies oor die duidelikheid van hul standpunt oor klaskwessies. Mnr Ndlovu het gesê dat die kwessie of ras of klas die vorige kwessie in Suid-Afrika is, nie opgelos is nie. Hy het gesê dat dit soortgelyk is aan die kwessie of swart vroue eerste of swart eerste is. Hy het gesê dat die antwoorde op sulke vrae belangrike implikasies het, maar dat ons nog nie antwoorde het nie.

Mnr Zita (ANC) het ook gevra wat gebeur as wit sakeondernemings nie met die voorstelle saamstem nie. Mnr Ramaphosa het beklemtoon dat die aanbevelings in die verslag beskeie sal wees, nie oor “voorgeskrewe bates” sal handel nie, en sal vermy om die mark te ontwrig. Hy het gesê hy kan geen rede sien vir wit sakeondernemings om hulle teë te staan nie. Hy het aangedui dat hy met kapteins van die nywerheid vergader het en met hulle bespreek het dat die manier om te vermy om nog ‘n Zimbabwe te word, is om proaktiewe stappe te neem om probleme vroeër eerder as later te hanteer.

Me September (ANC) het ook gevra of deel van die opleidingsaspek VIR swart mense opleiding DEUR swart mense sal wees. Mnr Ramaphosa het opgemerk dat ‘n Afrika-spreekwoord ons herinner dat as jy ‘n vinger wys, jy drie na jouself wys. Hy het gesê dat opleiding deur swart mense baie belangrik is. Mnr Ndlovu het later ‘n ekstra opmerking bygevoeg dat dit baie belangrik is om nie toe te laat dat opleiding ‘n verskoning word nie. Hy het gesê dat nie elke swart persoon opleiding nodig het nie en dit is belangrik om opleiding te onderskryf sonder om in die mite te verval dat solank hulle lewe in hul liggame het, alle swart mense voortdurend in opleidingsessies moet wees.


WE AS BOERS AND CONSERVATIVE AFRIKANERS – we are NOT part of the ANC or EFF or even DA – and we have right to rule our own country in our own areas.   That is every people’s right to have self-determination and full independence.

Especially the old Boer Republics.


It was reported during 2000, that Ramaphosa chaired the Black Economic Empowerment Commission, which helped establish South Africa’s broad-based empowerment policies.  That started in 1998.    Here also very important opinions during the 2000 discussions in Parliament.   (B-BBEE) Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is a racially selective legislations launched by the South African government to redress the inequalities of Apartheid by giving black (Blacks, Coloureds and Indians) South African citizens economic privileges not available to Whites.  Chinese people are part of it to apply for work under B-BBEE .    He further discussed weaknesses.


Rakende Opleiding moet daar ook gekyk word wat na 1994 gebeur het met al die swart skole wat van totaal afgebrand is, of afgebreek, geplunder is, omdat hulle nie wil skoolgaan nie, maar steeds word apartheid of blankes die skuld gegee (na 20 jaar) vir hul eie swak onderwysstelsel.


Ramaphosa chaired the Black Economic Empowerment Commission, which helped establish South Africa’s broad-based empowerment policies.  That started in 1998.     Here also very important opinions during the 2000 discussions in Parliament.  If blacks are so weak, why must we pay for another 50 to 100 years for changes in their weaknesses and all the immigrants still coming in.

Is just then obvious, blacks changed one weakness with another one and then blame the whites for their own weaknesses.



Prof Turok (ANC) described the document as very impressive and as proposing a kind of new RDP.   

Mr Lott Ndlovu, Commissioner of the Black Economic Empowerment Commission, assisted with the responses to some questions, including this one. He stated that there are two separate threads to consider: black professionals and black capitalists.   He stated that neither thread is strong enough to make a major contribution here.

He indicated that organisations of black professionals have frequent changes in their leadership as their leaders have other opportunities, so these organisations are inherently weak. He stated that black business is more an idea than a reality and that blacks have historically been simply consumers.

He also noted that the black bourgeoisie almost does not see the need to mobilise and that its members are not helpful because they begin to think that they have succeeded because of their personal merit and then refuse to help others.

Mr Ramaphosa stated that the patriotism is there among black professionals and black businesses but that it needs to be nurtured, encouraged, and enhanced on an ongoing basis. He stated that these communities need to articulate progressive positions.

Portfolio Report / Minutes 2000:

The Black Economic Empowerment Commission was formed two and a half years ago to study ways to empower black South Africans to participate more fully in the economy. Cyril Ramaphosa, Chairperson of the Black Economic Empowerment Commission, explained the basic elements of the documents that would come from the Commission.

He spoke of black economic empowerment as part of the transformation process, explained the need for it, and set out the institutions that the Commission would be proposing to implement this. These include an Investment for Growth Accord, a Black Economic Empowerment Act, and other implementing agencies. Following the presentation, there was extensive discussion. 

Ramaphosa  commission 1998

Mr Ramaphosa explained first the need to define black economic empowerment and the Commission’s focus on it as a transformative process aimed at redressing past inequities and ensuring meaningful economic participation by black people. He explained that there is both a moral and an economic case for this process, the latter because of the economic repercussions of marginalising the black majority outside the economy.

Second, Mr Ramaphosa spoke of a Black Economic Empowerment Act. After briefly referring to the situation of black women in South Africa, he stated that this Act would address a need for a measure of coordination. It would define black economic empowerment, set out indicators by which the private and public sectors would measure progress, set procurement targets, and require government departments to file annual black economic empowerment reports.

At this point, Mr Ramaphosa referred to his experiences in business and the phenomenon of companies on journeys of self-discovery with employment equity legislation that are learning how they have wasted resources and ignored the need to uplift the disadvantaged. He stated that the parameters in the Act could give guidance to people to pull up their socks and join the new South Africa.

He explained that the Commission proposes three implementing agencies. First, there needed to be a body in the President’s office (which he called the National Empowerment Commission) so that these issues would be at the highest level. Second, there should be a National Procurement Agency that would change government tendering. Third, the document explained the more complex proposal for a National Empowerment Funding Agency that would address issues of capital availability.

Finally, Mr Ramaphosa referred briefly to the need for an integrated Human Resources Strategy that would address the great crime of the denial of appropriate education to black people. This would be a key to unlock the future for all. He also briefly referred to the need for institutional and structural changes that would address rural development.

Mr Zita (ANC) asked how black economic empowerment relates to class forces among workers, the black middle class, and the black bourgeoisie. He noted that workers might want to own businesses or work for cooperatives. Mr Ramaphosa gave his comment on workers as owners as “why not?”. He indicated that the report would call for new forms of ownership in terms of community ownership and even share ownership. He stated that the Commission was also studying cooperatives.

Mr Ramaphosa concluded that the report would find ways for many more people to be players in the economy and that it is exciting to try to spread ownership. Mr Ndlovu added that unions themselves are often capitalists through their investments and there are issues about the clarity of their position on class issues. Mr Ndlovu stated that the issue of whether race or class is the prior issue in South Africa has not been resolved. He said that it is similar to the issue of whether black women are women first or black first. He said that the answers to such questions have important implications but that we do not yet have answers.

Mr Zita (ANC) also asked what happens if white business disagrees with the proposals. Mr Ramaphosa emphasised that the recommendations in the report would be modest, would not be about “prescribed assets”, and would avoid disrupting the market. He said that he could see no reason for white business to oppose them. He indicated that he had met with captains of industry and discussed with them the fact that the way to avoid becoming another Zimbabwe is to take proactive steps to deal with problems sooner rather than later.

Ms September (ANC) also asked whether part of the training aspect FOR black people would be training BY black people. Mr Ramaphosa noted that an African proverb reminds us that if you point a finger, you point three at yourself. He stated that training by black people is very important. Mr Ndlovu later added an extra comment that it is very important not to let training become an excuse. He stated that not every black person needs training and it is important to endorse training without falling into the myth that so long as they have life in their bodies, all black people need to be constantly in training sessions.




Racism in South Africa / Rassisme

Regstellende aksie – B-BBEE

Ramaphosa : B-BBEE

19 gedagtes oor “Ramaphosa – swart bemagtiging kommissie”

  1. […] 2000 – Ramaphosa chaired the Black Economic Empowerment Commission, which helped establish South Africa’s broad-based empowerment policies.  That started in 1998.    Here also very important opinions during the 2000 discussions in Parliament.   (B-BBEE) Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is a racially selective legislations launched by the South African government to redress the inequalities of Apartheid by giving black (Blacks, Coloureds and Indians) South African citizens economic privileges not available to Whites.  Chinese people are part of it to apply for work under B-BBEE .    He further discussed weaknesses. Ramaphosa – swart bemagtiging kommissie […]


  2. […] (B-BBEE) Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is a racially selective legislations launched by the South African government to redress the inequalities of Apartheid by giving black (Blacks, Coloureds and Indians) South African citizens economic privileges not available to Whites.  Chinese people are part of it to apply for work under B-BBEE .    He further discussed weaknesses.Ramaphosa – swart bemagtiging kommissie […]


  3. […]  (B-BBEE) Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is a racially selective legislations launched by the South African government to redress the inequalities of Apartheid by giving black (Blacks, Coloureds and Indians) South African citizens economic privileges not available to Whites.   Ramaphosa – swart bemagtiging kommissie […]


  4. […]  (B-BBEE) Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is a racially selective legislations launched by the South African government to redress the inequalities of Apartheid by giving black (Blacks, Coloureds and Indians) South African citizens economic privileges not available to Whites.   Ramaphosa – swart bemagtiging kommissie […]


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