Communism – Bolshevism – Revolution


Red REVOLUTION  is Ongoing violence and destruction.   Communism and Bolshevism

Since 1994, people and specific the outside world,  think there are no segregation in South Africa.   What a circus.   They must think again and read the Hansards, Legislations and ANC Constitution.   Mandela and De Klerk created this idea of a “super rainbow nation”.   There is no rainbow nation in South Africa.  It is a FALSE FLAG created by the communists and ended up into a failed economy and country with no infrastructure.   After nearly 30 years, we are still a failed country.

joe slovo


Van hulle is Sioniste en kom uit die ou Oos-bloklande.

Slovo en Soros  – was alles deel van die Griekse span van FW de Klerk.


It is important to reads the thousands of Hansards of Parliament, the provincial governments and watch video material or listen to the news about them, as well as traditional leaders,  crime and differences between different tribes.   It was since Mfecane like that.  That will show the truth what is going on – a  madhouse where everyone has to kill each other and destroy all businesses and lifestyles with the ANC revolution and their racist legislations (B-BBEE and EE).

INSTIGATORS (before and after 1994) – those are not the only ones

In its final report, the TRC ruled that Madikizela-Mandela was “politically and morally accountable for the gross violations of human rights committed by the MUFC”.



Who is Winnie Mandela – on their follow blacks?
Wie is en was Winnie Mandela?


Terrorism en Suid-Afrika leiers.
The Truth on the ANC and South Africa


Na 1994 onder ANC bewind, met die EFF later in plek, het alle rewolusionêre bedrywighede intensief en radikaal toegeneem.  Niks hieraan is of was al ooit demokraties nie, ‘n klugspul en vals vlag was voorgehou as die werklikheid.   Dis geen demokrasie nie.

Verskeie partye, soos onder andere die EFF het radikaal “weggebreek van ANC” juis om nog meer radikalisme te preek.  Meer misdaad beteken meer inkomste op alle vlakke van regering.  Bolsjevisme.   Met rassisme in plek, swart bemagtiging word gesorg dat bevoorregtes en hul besighede nog meer bevoorreg word.   Dit was nooit bedoel om swartes of ander armes op te hef nie.

Dit (kommunisme) was wat ons op ons grense beveg het, wat in totaliteit na 1994 toegeneem het om ons almal uit te wis.   Daar is jaarlikse protesaksies, trokke en besighede wat geplunder word, aan die brand gesteek word en elke infrastruktuur in SA het groot probleme om reg te funksioneer.   Ons was eens ‘n land waar alles gewerk het, maar niks werk meer nie.  Geen rioolnetwerk werk meer nie en rou riool word in riviere ingepomp, later damme en so die oseane.   Dis die radikales wat sorg dat agteruitgang nog meer intens versleg.


Soros and Ramaphosa

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