Swart bemagtiging – B-BBEE

Spesifieke artikels word oor swart bemagtiging geskryf omat dit ons as blanke volk direk raak en menseregte skend.   Hansards word nie deur myself geskryf nie, maar word gereeld gebruik as bewysstukke wat in werklikheid agter ons blankes se rue gebeur.  Swart bemagtiging is die euwel van ons tyd, is ‘n misdaad teenoor elke blanke en nageslagte in hierdie land.  Let wel, hoe swart bemagtiging meestal deur blanke verligtes in Dakar aangevra is gedurende 1989 liberale vergaderings en selfs voor dit in kerke en selfs later in FW kabinet.

Image result for black economic empowerment advantages and disadvantages  government photo


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Wetgewings SEB-RA : B-BBEE-EE legislations



Rina en haar erkenning dit was op die NP agenda – wat skeefgeloop het, hoe het sy gehoop dit verloop 100% uitwissing?   Sien al haar video materiaal hieroor.    

Rina Venter – Legkaarte – die leuens

Daar is ook ‘n Dirk Hermann voorlegging in die parlement – lees die Hansard self – dit weerspieël die ware feite oor 750 000 blankes.   Soros se OSF.SA organisasie befonds swart bemagtiging sowel Parlement en Grondwet (wat kwansuis demokraties is) .










page 115 of 148 …

That brings me to the crucial matter of affirmative action. The hon Manie said …

Hy sê ons jaag spoke op; kyk na die syfers, hoe baie wit mense is nog in die werk. Maar in dieselfde asem sê hy daardie syfers moet omgekeer word; dit moet totaal verander word. [He says we are invoking spectres; look at the figures, how many white people are still working. But in the same breath he says those figures must be turned around; they must be changed totally.]

One of the stated aims of the Employment Equity Act is to transform the workforce of South Africa to such an extent that it will be representative of the demographics of the population. What is the impact of this aim?

En hier gee ek graag erkenning aan mnr Dirk Hermann van Solidariteit vir die volgende inligting. [And here I take pleasure in acknowledging Mr Dirk Hermann of solidarity for the following information.]

Using information from Statistics SA’s 1996 Census, it was determined that whites form 12,2% of South Africa’s population between the ages of 15 and 65, the potentially economically active age group.

According to the aim of the Act, whites should thus constitute 12,2% of the workforce, while at present 20,4% of the force is white. This implies a surplus of 750 000 whites in the labour market, if measured against the ultimate aim of the Act. In terms of the Act this imbalance should be corrected. The question is how it can happen without discriminating unfairly against whites and without creating a new disadvantaged community. The best way would be for the economy to grow to such an extent that thousands of job opportunities can be created. Unfortunately our economic growth is lower than the population growth, making this impossible.

The only remaining option to meet the demands of the Act, is to replace the 750 000 whites with blacks. Even if the decision is made not to dismiss whites, but to wait for the normal processes of resignation and retirement, it will take, according to Dr Louis Botma of Free State University, up to 30 years. The aim of the Act could therefore have dire consequences for all young whites trying to enter the labour market over the next 30 years.

Hon Minister, can you answer this question today, once and for all: Are you going to revise this aim of the Act? Is this part of the unforeseen consequences of the labour policy that should be revised? Or must white South Africans accept the reality that they are overstocked? Can you say yes, with 750 000 in the labour market and that this figure is to be worked off in future? If so, what is your government’s plan with these 750 000 whites whom you so often call part of the people to whom South Africa belongs? I thank you.

PAGE 144

For its part, my department will confidently and enthusiastically continue to steer our country in the direction dreamed of by the majority of South Africans, recognising that this race is a marathon not a sprint. The distance is long and the surface on which we run is rough, but hardly a day goes by without us reducing the distance still to be covered. [Applause.]

For this reason I do want to thank those who made these advances possible. I want to thank our director-general, Adv Ramashia the Free State. Stand up, mama. Let Groenewald see you. [Applause.] the Free State. Stand up, mama. Let Groenewald see you. [Applause.]

I say that he must see you, because the ANC has never had its struggle against white people. [Applause.] Ever since its inception in 1912, our struggle was against racism. [Applause.] The reason why we are firm Africans is precisely because of the problem that was created by your fathers. If there was no apartheid, then there would be no need for affirmative action.

Mr Groenewald, you are suffering from conveniently selective amnesia as well. [Laughter.] It is because we want to undo what your ancestors did through the job reservations Act – remember that, Mnr Groenewald – that we are embarking on an affirmative action programme precisely because of what your fathers did. [Interjections.] He cites sporadic cases of two white students allegedly discriminated against. Has he forgotten that it was his ancestors who promulgated the Bantu Education Act that was aimed at making blacks the hewers of and his hard-working team which is sitting there with him, and our new – very new – executive managing director in wood and drawers of water? How can you forget that? [Interjections.]

Is he aware that the majority of those who are poor and unemployed are black youth? Is he aware that this phenomenon was not occasioned by an accident of history, but engineered by a racist regime? He belonged to that racist regime. [Interjections.] [Applause.]

Let me proudly tell you, my brother, that the ANC wants a nonracial, democratic and nonsexist South Africa. If you read the Constitution of the ANC – 2.1 of that Constitution – you will see that our main objective is to unite the people of this country, blacks and Africans in particular.

The MINISTER OF LABOUR: Affirmative action, my brother, we will continue with. We will affirm the blacks that you with your ancestors have tried to undermine.

Ons is nie domkoppe nie. Ons is slim. [Applous.] [We are not stupid. We are clever. [Applause.]]

[The land is ours! The country is ours! We must all enjoy the niceties of this country, whether you like it or not, Groenewald. Your children are going to enjoy life in a free country because of the national organisation, the ANC. You are leading your children towards hell. [Applause.]]



Asijiki. Siya phambili, nokuba sekumnyam’ entla. [Kwaqhwatywa.] [We are not turning back. We are moving forward no matter what. [Applause.]]



That the ANC has more than 90 years of experience in resistance we have to remind people that:

[The ANC is a people’s organisation of peace, whose objective is to free people of this country from the shackles and chains of struggle and oppression. The ANC is wide awake. Do not dare bother it.]

[The ANC is no different from the thorns of the prickly pear if and when it is not handled with care by those who sneer at it. [Interjections.]]


WOW !!!!!

Given the significance of this matter, my department is confronting the issue head-on, as evidenced by the fact that since the beginning of 2001 to date, a total of not less than 3,1 million people have received training relevant to their work or relevant to trades and occupations they aspire to enter into.

Members will recall that last year we announced that over a billion rand had been allocated to strategic projects being managed by 18 Setas.

Training funded by the department through our provincial offices supported the training of a total of 78 467 people, of which 48 119 were youth and 2 504 were people with disabilities. About 3 265 scholars were given bursaries to address the problem of scarce skills.

Document 280503



Laai die hele toespraak af, daar is ander “welbekendes” wat gedurig kuier op FW stigting se blad.   KAS is ook ‘n kommunistiese organisasie uit Duitsland wat swart bemagtiging steun.

FW stigting – Flip buys en multi-kultuur – hy beweer op internasionale podium ons volk het toestemming gegee tot regstelaksies, wat natuurlik nie waar is nie.


They appreciated the need for an improvement of black education, but now they feel that the ANC is taking control of and anglicising Afrikaans education and institutions.   Initially, Afrikaners supported affirmative action, but they reject it being abused to anglicise institutions and to bring them under ANC control through the ideology of representivity. Afrikaner voters exchanged minority control for a democratic constitutional state, but they are becoming most concerned that the country is beginning to change into a transformation state. In short, many Afrikaners feel that they voted for democracy but still ended up with a negotiated revolution.




Sy het ook in die openbaar erken dat daar “geleenthede” was, wat verkeerd geloop het, soos Swart bemagtiging en veral Regstellende Aksie.    Dit sluit 100% aan by liberales wat in 1989 besluit het daar moet regstellende aksie ingestel word.  2.30 OP VIDEO 

Rina Venter – Legkaarte – die leuens

Her stories with those of De Klerk and the liberals of Dakar are the same.     None of them in Parliament demanded to stop black empowerment or expropriation because they violate our white’s human rights.
Dr Venter – NP previous government

Apartheid was not dismantled, those areas only changed to either Trustlands or landclaims and registered CPA’s, each and everyone with their own traditional leaders and own lands.   Blacks and Coloureds, are not landless as they told everybody
South Africa – 1990 – Rina Venter

** ** **

Hoe het Ramaphosa so gou opgang gemaak?  Ramaphosa was sedert 1995, die drywer om ons te vernietig in sy kommissie, met die steun in die huidige Parlement met swart bemagtiging en regstelaksies. 

Liberale blanke vennootskappe uit die verlede… en swart bemagtiging.
B-BBEE is only for the elites and their families – who is involved in Eskom and other related organisations?   
Ramaphosa : B-BBEE


 (B-BBEE) Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is a racially selective legislations launched by the South African government to redress the inequalities of Apartheid by giving black (Blacks, Coloureds and Indians) South African citizens economic privileges not available to Whites.   
Ramaphosa – swart bemagtiging kommissie

Here also very important opinions during the 2000 discussions in Parliament.  If blacks are so weak, why must we pay for another 50 to 100 years for changes in their weaknesses and all the immigrants still coming in.   Is just then obvious, blacks changed one weakness with another one and then blame the whites for their own weaknesses. 
Ramaphosa voorlegging: Commission


Regstellende aksie – B-BBEE

Chinese people in South Africa do have the same benefits as blacks in terms of the ANC legislations.
Chinese and B-BBEE

17 gedagtes oor “Swart bemagtiging – B-BBEE”

  1. […] Selfs die liberaal verligte blankes, wat die Grondwet steun, steun ook die ANC en regering daarmee.   Die blanke liberale / klassieke liberale, wat so graag voorleggings gaan doen het in 2003 aan die ANC regering hoe om van  750000 blankes ontslae te raak, sit om dieselfde kospotte as die ANC – George Soros se Cato instituut en OSF.SA.Kogh Brothers – George Soros – Cato Institute and othersChinese under B-BBEE legislationRina Venter – Legkaarte – die leuensABN en DinokengSwart bemagtiging – B-BBEE […]


  2. […] 2003 in Parliament – Hansard – Dirk Hermann – Artikels word oor swart bemagtiging geskryf omdat dit ons direk raak en menseregte skend.   Dit is ook deur blanke verligtes in Dakar aangevra in 1989 – verwys na die Dakar gesprekke buite ons landsgrense, agter die konserwatiewes se rue.Swart bemagtiging – B-BBEE […]


  3. […] *Natuurlik sal veral die konserwatiewes blanke volk dit erger voel, aangesien hulle nie vir oorname gestem het in 1994 nie, maar vir ‘n eie onafhanklike gebied om hulself te regeer.   Verwys hier na die Akkoord wat in 1994 onderteken is met internasionale waarnemers wat dit meegemaak het.    Daar sal altyd sterk opinies na links en regs wees uit alle volksgroepe, nie net die Boere, konserwatiewe Afrikaners en Blankes nie.   Swart en ander volke ook.  Dis veral links liberaal, verligte liberales en klassieke liberale blankes wat saam die huidige Grondwet soos dit “onderhandel” en “geskryf” is, staan.  Heelwat het hul beywer om dit te skryf en die lewe vir ons konserwatiewes nog moeiliker te maak.   Hulle doen dit steeds vandag, as mens lees dan word daar “onderhandel” namens almal van ons.   BS.   Die meeste van hierdie organisasies en forums is multi-kultuur, is vir geen volk nie en het mandate van hul lede, nie van die res van ons nie.   ABN en DinokengVeelrassige organisasies – ABN‘n Groot voorlegging na 1994 in parlement getuig hiervan, veral oor swart bemagtiging en onteiening.   Hoeveel weet dat daar in 2003 ‘n kleinlike, agterbakse en liederlike voorlegging in parlement plaasgevind het hoe om van 750000 blankes ontslae te raak met behulp van swart bemagtiging?  Swart bemagtiging – B-BBEE […]


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