South Africa: Traditional leaders

Mandela and De Klerk received their “peace” prize during 1993 to “dismantle the so-called apartheid” (segregation) and to do away with “homelands” etc.  BUT what are the real facts about segregation in South Africa and what price do we, as tax payers still pay for that fake “peace prize” of De Klerk and Mandela?   Question:  What are the traditional leaders doing for us , the Afrikaners and Boers people today? – while they all supported the ANC’s communist rules and black economic empowerment and still have their own “homelands” called Trustlands?  Even the Chinese people and immigrants from Africa and other continents,  have more benefits than the citizens.

Image result for parliament sa photo

Mandela – “Madiba”



Expropriation is also a communist idea

Farmland has also been taken away from our white farmers under the “land reform” schemes for the Chinese governments to develop and mining rights were given for their use only.  And who finance all those things – George Soros, some European countries, governments and liberal organisations!   They also finance the so-called South African Constitution and Parliament today.


New members of the ANC Top 6, Deputy Secretary-General Jesse Duarte, Secretary-General Ace Magashuele, National Chairperson Gwede Mantashe, President Cyril Ramaphosa, Deputy President David Mabuza, and Treasure General Paul Mashatile, hold hands after they were announced at the 54th ANC Elective Conference in Nasrec on 18 December 2017.

As explained – there are STILL segregation and warnings as well – 2018


Traditional leaders have warned the ANC not to forget where its votes come from after the ruling party resolved to limit their authority over communal land.     The Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (Contralesa) said the resolution was a result of the party’s failure to hand back land to black South Africans.

Chief Mathibela Mokoena‚ the president of Contralesa‚ said the ANC does not want to deal with the issue of land decisively‚ so instead targets them.    “As a traditional leader‚ we are waiting for the government to tell us what they are planning to do about taking back the land‚ not these silly tactics of disrespecting us. We are against this resolution of theirs. If they lack the strategy to deal with the big issue‚ they must consult us‚” Mokoena said.
“Come elections‚ they get the most votes from communities that are under traditional leaders. They must not forget. We deserve to be recognised and respected as important role players in this country. All we ask is for them to consult us before making misleading announcements‚ because one day we will get tired of this treatment‚ I don’t know what we will do then‚” he said.    The ANC resolved on Wednesday at its 54th national conference that it would remove some of the authority of traditional leaders over communal land‚ with the goal of eventually giving communities 13% of land.



Ons het regtig ons eie gebied, onafhanklik nodig, weg van die spul kommuniste dat hul mekaar maar gelukkig hou, en met ons weg uit hul sig, kan ons ten minste weer aandag gee aan belangriker dinge om voort te bestaan. Ons het nie kommunistiese krummels nodig nie. Die liberale blankes, klassieke liberales, het reg om deel van hul reenboognasie te wees, maar los ons konserwatiewes uit, ons het reg tot ‘n volkslewe en voortbestaan. Liberales moet ophou om hulle grondwet wat hulle saam die kommuniste geskep het, in ons kele af te druk.

Gedurende 1993 ontvang FW de Klerk saam Mandela ‘n “vredesprys” oor hul kwansuis “APARTHEID” afgebreek het.   Inderwaarheid ‘n spul leuens.    Waarom betaal ons vandag steeds al hierdie buitensporige luukse salarisse aan meer as 10 koninklikes, plus al hul hoofmanne, vroue en ander hiërargie en elkeen het basies steeds hul aparte gebiede, wat net Trustgebiede gedoop is.    Inderwaarheid het daar na 1994 meer moorde en misdaad in Suid-Afrika plaasgevind.  Dus vir watter vrede is daar ‘n prys uitgedeel en waar is aparte gebiede afgebreek as dit steeds bestaan en as koninklikes en al hul personeel deur ons befonds word?  Wyl almal van hulle swart bemagtiging steun om ons te ontmagtig, trek hulle almal groot inkomstes uit ons besighede uit wat ook afgebreek word met wetgewing.  Selfs die Chinese en immigrante het meer voordele wat hulle uit ons land kry, terwyl die burgers nie eers kos het op hul tafels en weens swart bemagtiging krepeer in plakkerskampe.

Dis die feite:  Daar bestaan STEEDS dieselfde aparte gebiede (segregasie) net onder ‘n ander naam, maar dit is nou onder ANC vaandel in bevorder vir steun vir verkiesings?    Verwys na Ramaphosa se twitter boodskap  op 8 Januarie 2018.   En net na die ANC kongres in Desember 2017 is die ANC bestuur gewaarsku as daar aan hul regte geraak word…

Hierdie selfde gebiede was eers Reservate (1854-1961) – daarna in 1961 word dit Tuislande, wat op pad was na volle onafhanklikheid, en laastens onder ANC -tradisionele wette, word dit Trustgebiede.   Tydens elkeen van hierdie tydperke is daar verskeie wetgewings geskep – beslis nie deur die Afrikaners en Boere nie, maar deur die regerings wat beheer en regeer het.  Dit het niks met “apartheid” te doen nie en verseker het ons as volk dieselfde regte as die in tuislande gehad om onsself en ons belange ook te beskerm teen immigrante.

Daar is baie vrae, rondom hierdie uitspattige uitgawes wat niks met ons te doen het, terwyl ons opdok daarvoor – die Zoeloekoning en sy hoofmanne, die Khoisan konings of elke ander tradisionele leiers is niks van ons Afrikaners en Boere nie of selfs van mekaar nie, maar tog moet ons die vroedvroue speel hier met belastings.

Ramaphosa en elke parlementslid wat swart bemagtiging en ander menseregte skend is niks minder as obsessief en minderwaardig teenoor ‘n klein blanke minderheidsvolk wat hulle ekonomies probeer ontmagtig met hul arrogante vermetelheid om ons te straf deur ons van ons identiteit, taal, kultuur te beroof en swart bemagtiging toe te pas,  al ons menseregte te skend, en dit wat nog op pad is om grond en bates te steel.

Vir watter apartheid wat reeds in 1854 geskep is deur hul eie leiers en Brittanje?   Hoe kan ons daaroor verantwoordelik gewees het?

Tydens al hierdie tydperk, veral 1961 tot 1994 is heelwat werksgeleentheid vir al hierdie Tuislande geskep, daar was selfs STEMREG.   Op reservate het kerke uit die buiteland help skole bou, selfs op boere se plase is vandag nog skole te sien.

Die Tuislande het almal STEMREG gehad – die in die stede nie, was of onwettig daar en onwettige immigrante uit ander lande wat hier kom plak het, nes hulle dit nou ook doen.    As enige persoon van ons in Frankryk of Amerika beland, het ons ook nie stemreg nie.    Gerieflik kom almal bakhande hier aan, om onder swart bemagtiging, selfs Brics lande se jeugdiges (15-40) se werkloses hier kom plak en werk soek, gratis huise, medies, toelaes, skole, ens.

Zoeloes (Ingonyama Trust) > Ramaphosa

Bophuthatswana Homeland (SA)

Ingonyama Trustgebied (en andere)

Staatskoerant 41372 van 4 Januarie 2018

Click to access President’s%20determination%20for%20Traditional%20Leaders%202017.pdf


– The government has published the official salaries, which Kings, Queens and other traditional leaders will receive in 2018 – Salaries will increase with between 4.5% and 8% in 2018, in line with those of MPs – Traditional leaders have little political power, but are seen as important figureheads in traditional communities

The South African government has published the official salaries which all Kings, Queens and other traditional leaders will receive in 2018. Traditional leaders were subjected to a pay freeze in 2017 but will receive between 4.5% and 8% more this year, which is in-line with the increase which Members of Parliament (MPs) will receive.

All South African Kings, Queens and traditional leaders are entitled to a salary from government. In 2010 the traditional leadership commission of South Africa recommended that government should only recognise seven royal families, with six falling by the wayside.

This recommendation means that once the current leaders of six of the 13 royal families pass their families will not officially be recognised by the government.

Traditional leaderships during QUESTIONS

As part of a recent parliamentary Q&A session, the minister of cooperative governance and traditional affairs, was asked how many traditional leaders there are in each province in South Africa.   Traditional kings and senior leaders are symbolic figureheads in the country who carry little political power.   However, these rulers play an important role in local disputes and often perform advisory roles to government, as well as in the lives of the traditional rural populations.

According to Van Rooyen, as of June 2018 there are 14 kingships, queenships, and/or principal traditional leaders in the country across five of South Africa’s provinces.

In addition, there are 844 senior traditional leaders in the country across eight provinces (the Western Cape is not included) – with just two leaders based in Gauteng and as many as 277 in KwaZulu Natal.

How much they earn

After a pay freeze in 2017, the majority of traditional leaders saw their salaries increase between 4.5% and 8% for the 2018 financial year. This is in line with the increases given to ministers, MPs and other senior members of government gazetted late last year.

As of 2010, South Africa recognizes seven royal families in the country, after a recommendation by a traditional leadership commission that South Africa lose six of its kings and queens.

Of the 13 recognised traditional kingdoms recognised previously, only seven will remain once the current incumbent rulers of the identified kingdoms have passed away.

Extrapolating the data below, the South African government is paying around R250 million a year on senior traditional leader salaries, including kings and queens.





Traditional leaders South Africa: 8840





1961 – Albert Luthuli received the Nobel Peace Prize.
1984 – Bishop Desmond Tutu received the Nobel Peace prize
1993 – FW de Klerk and Nelson Mandela were co-recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize

Wat het FW de Klerk, Roelf Meyer en al diegene wat help skryf het aan die kommunistiese grondwet en ander wetgewing nog ontvang vanaf George Soros tydens Kodesa?  Goue handdrukke en pensioene?




READ more background

For BLACKS only:
PABASA (regsvereniging vir swartes)

Segregasie – Apartheid

Racism and Discrimination
Swart rassisme : Jeug / Racism

Land reform / Grondhervorming





34 gedagtes oor “South Africa: Traditional leaders”

  1. […] Question:  What are the traditional leaders doing for us , the Afrikaners and Boers people today? – while they all supported the ANC’s communist rules and black economic empowerment and still have their own “homelands” called Trustlands?  Even the Chinese people and immigrants from Africa and other continents,  have more benefits than the citizens. South Africa: Traditional leaders […]


  2. […] Mandela and De Klerk received their “peace” prize during 1993 to “dismantle the so-called apartheid” (segregation) and to do away with “homelands” etc.  BUT what are the real facts about segregation in South Africa and what price do we, as tax payers still pay for that fake “peace prize” of De Klerk and Mandela?   Question:  What are the traditional leaders doing for us , the Conserwative Afrikaners and Boers people today? – while they all supported the ANC’s communist rules and black economic empowerment and still have their own “homelands” called Trustlands?  Even the Chinese people and immigrants from Africa and other continents,  have more benefits than the citizens. South Africa: Traditional leaders […]


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