Suid-Afrika Parlement /South Africa Parliament


Daar is verskeie groepe politieke partye en ook borge betrokke by hierdie gebou. Meer borge as wat jy kan dink, betrokke by hierdie klein landjie met soveel minerale om weg te neem. Die hoofgebou en die webwerf sal hul eie storie vertel waaroor dit gaan en oor wie die regering geld van kommuniste soos George Soros ontvang het, het ‘n groot impak op ons gemeenskappe en selfs rewolusies wat hier plaasvind.  Komitees, sub-komitees en adhoc-komitees bestaan, waar alles ook in Hansards (notules) vervat word.  Gefinansier soos beskryf word op die webtuistes.

Parlementsgebou in Kaapstad – Parliament building in Cape Town

Image result for sa parliament building free photos


Wat het na 1961 gebeur?

Ons het ons rug gekeer op Brittanje en ‘n Republiek geword.   Hoe waar is dit werklik as ons na 1994 weer deel geword het van die Britse Statebond.

Meestal is op hoogte van wyle Dr Verwoerd en Republiekwording of weet dat hy vermoor was omdat liberales hom wou stop om aan te gaan met onafhanklikheid of aparte lande vir swart etniese groepe.       Alhoewel dit vir ons as volk ‘n lewendige inspirasie bly is dit vir ander volke ‘n steen des aanstoot.  Niemand het hulle van stemreg beroof soos wat verkondig word nie, want hulle het almal amptelik vir hul eie leiers gestem.    Wyle Dr Verwoerd is koelbloedig vermoor vir dit waarmee hy besig was om alle volke dieselfde gelyke geleenthede te kon gee in hul eie onafhanklike gebiede.  Dit strook 100% met internasionale reg vandag waar volke die reg daartoe het.   Hy is ook nie die enigste leier wat vermoor is vir ‘n saak van geregtigheid nie.


What happened after 1961?

Dr H F Verwoerd stopped to report to the British Empire.   Unfortunately the ANC decided they as leaders wanted to be part of the British Empire and Commonwealth again, late during 1994.  Liberal whites are with the ANC government.   Verwoerd was murdered.

Information contained in this articles are available on various links and websites.

There are various groups of political parties and also sponsors involved in this building.  More sponsors than you can think, involved in this small country with so much minerals to take away.    The main building and the website will tell their own story of what it is about and who the government received money from  communists like George Soros do have a huge impact on our communities and even revolutions that take place here.

British rules, Commonwealth, Trustlands



Meer inligting en artikels oor Soros, Bayer, Monsanto

Bestudeer gerus wie en wat George Soros is, hy is nie net in Suid-Afrika betrokke nie.   Sy naam en sy organisasie is Open Society Foundation South Africa (OSF.SA).    Sy organisasie se naam is naastenby dieselfde in die EU lande.   Hy het ook ander organisasies wat oral in Afrika ook teenwoordig is.    Hy speel ‘n groot rol om lande se ekonomieë by te kom en totaal en al af te breek.  Vir hom en sy lakeie bestaan daar nie iets soos volke nie.   Hy fokus gerieflik op immigrante.


Read about the Open Society Foundation South Africa (OSF.SA) – and who worked for him.

Osisa is deel van George Soros.

Monsanto is deel van hom – waarby ons land se “afrikaner organisasie AgriSA” betrokke is.

Bayer  –  Monsanto  – South Africa – Bayer

Monsanto  – Soros  –  BAYER (Germany)  –  France

Monsanto  –   Bayer  –   Germany

Bayer –  Monsanto  –  Seed (global)

George Soros – SA  –  Monsanto

Monsanto – George Soros – Suid-Afrika

Monsanto –  Soros  –  BAYER (Germany)  –  France

OSIWA –  OSISA – OSFSA – OSI – George Soros in African countries – Gambia

Gambia – Open Society Foundation – Institutions – George Soros – OSIWA

TRRC – Gambia justifies release of confessed hitmen who killed for Jammeh

TRRC – GAMBIA – never again



Van Zyl Slabbert (DP) , a white liberal asked for money from the Soros camp to finance Dakar and Codesa followed in 1992.   Lots of things were created here as well.   Members of the Broederbond started their discussions after Verwoerd’s death and in 1982 went to America to discuss it with the SACP and ANC.


Idasa is begin deur o.a. Van Zyl Slabbert en deur Soros gefinansier .   (DAKAR)

Na Idasa was daar die sogenaamde referendum (1992) wat nie eers die ware feite oorgedra het en leë beloftes van FW de Klerk.   En dis so ironies dat ons volksmense steeds na hierdie dag as die alfa en omega verwys, terwyl die optelsomme nie gebalanseer het nie.  Die groot persentasie wegblystemme vir die referendum was nooit bygereken nie en die opvolgreferendum het nooit gebeur nie.

Dus wie het hom en sy trawante bemagtig met ‘n mandaat – hulself met bedrieglike media wat hul daarmee gehelp het.   Later met die 1994 verkiesing word dit oor en oor bewys en selfs hier was die wegblystemme groot.   Hier was 37.5% wat vir Selfbeskikking gestem het.

Die Kodesa samesprekings het gevolg.


Soros financed both Kodesa and Idasa for all those years and various programmes.   A friend of FW de Klerk and all liberal institutions.

Die liberaal verligte (heelwat blanke) Grondwetskrywery en “onderhandelinge” van kommuniste is alles deur Soros gefinansier.

Heelwat “gekonkelde samesprekings tussen kommuniste en liberaal verligte blankes” het buite ons land se grense plaasgevind.   Hoe oneerlik van die blanke liberales, wat agter die konserwatiewe blankes se rug gaan konkel het met kommuniste George Soros en Joe Slovo.

Daar is heelwat blanke liberales en klassieke liberales steeds vandag hierby betrokke om hierdie kommunistiese Soros Grondwet te beskerm en verdedig.

Wat was Kodesa nou eintlik?

Vernames en elites was betrokke.  Kodesa het oor kommunisme en kommunistiese grondwet gegaan en nie oor ‘n demokratiese bestel nie.   Dit was vir die gewone man as “demokrasie” voorgehou.   Niks is demokraties daaraan nie.  Sedert hierdie Grondwet in werking getree het, is ons blanke volk van totale menswees gestroop en verskeie wetgewings ingestel om ons menseregte te skend en dit gaan steeds voort.   Demokrasie vernietig nie mense en menseregte nie.

Inteendeel in 1989 het liberaal verligte blankes reeds versoek dat swart bemagtiging ingestel moet word en dis deur wetgewing en grondwet gedoen.  Met die hulp van verskeie organisasies en oorsese regerings is dit deurgevoer.


Vrye Weekblad,  14 Julie 1989

1989 vrye weekblad bee


Communists and Liberals wrote the 1996 constitution.

Racism and discrimination against on the whites is the B-BBEE legislations, the quotas, expropriation of all properties,  is all part of this document.

It is #bolshevism #bolshevism

At the end, there will be one government – one employer – and we will be the slaves – all of us.

In the current constitution and as the plans of the ANC shown recently their own “investigations” that even tribal lands will be taken away – there are no guarantees to any of those “tribal authorities” when the ANC is the main communist ruler, or whoever the rules of the ANC is.

No king or queen or traditional leader can give any of their supporters any guarantees.


Dus, hoe kan enige blanke iets soos ‘n Grondwet beskerm of verdedig, wat kommunisties is en nie enige menseregte beskerm nie – diegene wat dit wel doen, het verskuilde agendae en staan beslis agter ‘n kommunistiese deurtjie en skuil.  Daarmee, met hul vals fronte en vlaggies,  word nog meer geleenthede geskep tot afbreek en verarming en die bevordering van kommunisme in Suid-Afrika.

Dit is presies dieselfde taktieke waarmee die vorige slinkse regime ook baie ondersteuners mislei en bedrieg het.  Daarom was hul agenda samesprekings buite ons land se grense.  Daar was nie destyds internet of sosiale platforms nie, wel duur propaganda materiaal en nuusberigte wat ook meestal deur liberale media beheer is.

Sedert die kommunistiese samesprekings tussen verskeie organisasies, soos bv. die Broederbond (1982) wat veral buite ons landsgrense in groot geheim  in Amerika en Dakar blanke liberaliste is en was hierdie kommunistiese oorname vooruitbeplan en later geimplementeer.

Konserwatiewe blankes is nie ingelig oor die ware toedrag van sake wat gaan volg nie.  Wat wel waar is, is dat sommige swart tradisionele leiers dit moes geweet het, daarom was daar reeds voorwaardes in 1994 gestel.

Die Zoeloe leiers se voorwaardes het voorsiening begin maak met steeds hul aparte gebiede (Tuislande) behou, maar wat hulle nie weet nie, is dat die huidige grondwet geen waarborge ook vir hul bied nie.  Die bewyse is reeds daar, want heelwat myneksplorasie vind plaas en van hierdie bewoners sit sonder huis en haard.


Grondwet van SA – Constitution of South Africa

Sandkorrel Hartklop

Parliament is the Top Structure of the country – South Africa.

The current Parliament of South Africa (photo) is totally controlled by communism (bolshevism),  communist leaders and various sponsored communist organisations.   The Constitution as well.   Both IDASA and CODESA were sponsored by various communist organisations,  but the most well-known person is George Soros (Open Society Foundation SA), Black Sash.

Both Helen Zille and Ramaphela work for Soros’ organisasion – OSF.SA) since 1993 and even since the Black Sash started before 1980.   Ms Ramaphela is a Trustee of OSF.SA.    The previous government was well aware of his organisation and support of the Black Sash as well.

on the websites …. you can read that yourselves.


Befondsing vind plaas – hoofsaaklik deur

Open Society Foundation SA (George Soros)
Raith Foundation
Heinrich Böell Foundation
Government of Flanders
Indigo Trust

More about them at a later stage …


Fondse en inkomstebronne / Funding and income

Belastingbetalers betaal heelwat tot die voortbestaan van die Parlement.
Invoer en uitvoerbelastings.
Myn eksplorasies en inkomstes.  Word dit vir die publiek aangewend?
Groot maatskappye betaal soms ook boetes omdat hulle nie wil swart bemagtiging nie, en vele ander belastings soos 15% VAT.
Donasies en skenkings uit ander lande
Verskeie Trustfondse, individue en organisasies, buitelandse regerings, bykans almal fokus op B-BBEE (swart bemagtiging) en dra mildelik by tot diskriminasie teenoor elke blanke in hierdie land.
Misdaad het ‘n groot inkomste geword – korrupsie en geweld, versekerings, mediese uitgawes, pensioene, ens


Na 1994 het die Parlementêre Moniteringsgroep (PMG) ontstaan wie vir al die Hansards en dokumentasie, die administrasie van Parlement verantwoordelik is.
After the PMG was implemented – this is Parliament of South Africa – responsible for Hansards and official documentation of Parliament.




Parliament website

Archival activism strengthening democracy: The Parliamentary Monitoring Group (PMG)

The Parliamentary Monitoring Group, an information service, was established in 1995 as a partnership between Black Sash, Human Rights Committee and Idasa with the aim of providing a type of Hansard for the proceedings of the more than fifty South African Parliamentary Committees for these three advocacy organisations. This was because there is no official record publicly available of the committee proceedings – the engine room of Parliament – and this type of information is needed by social justice organisations to lobby the Parliament of South Africa on pieces of legislation, matters of democratic processes and parliamentary oversight of the executive.

Various youtubes are also available to follow news and meetings.


Human Rights Committee

Menseregte kommissie / Human rights commission

The South African Human Rights Commission is the national institution established to support constitutional democracy. It is committed to promote respect for, observance of and protection of human rights for everyone without fear or favour.
The Commission was inaugurated on 02 October 1995 under the Human Rights Commission Act 54 of 1994 and as provided for by the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 200 of 1993.
The Constitution is the highest law in the country and it was adopted to heal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights. These rights are listed in the Bill of Rights, in Chapter 2 of the Constitution.


The mandate of the Commission as contained in Section 184 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996 is as follows:
1. The South African Human Rights Commission must –
a) promote respect for human rights and a culture of human rights;
b) promote the protection, development and attainment of human rights; and
c) monitor and assess the observance of human rights in the Republic.

2. The Commission has the powers, as regulated by the national legislation, necessary to perform its functions, including the power –

a) investigate and report on the observance of human rights;
b) take steps and secure appropriate redress where human rights have been
c) carry out research; and
d) educate.

3. Each year, the Commission must require relevant organs of
state to provide the Commission with information on the measures that they have taken
towards the realisation of the rights in the Bill of Rights concerning housing, health
care, food, water, social security,education and the environment.

4. The Commission has the additional powers and functions
prescribed by national legislation.


What We Do at the PMG?

Watter funksies het die parlement om te vervul?

In terms of legislation, the PMG aims to provide accurate, objective, and current information on all parliamentary committee proceedings in the form of detailed, unofficial minutes and documents and since 2007, sound recordings of the meeting.

PMG’s key activity is the attending of all Parliamentary Committee meetings, where a monitor will tape and minute the proceedings and obtain all documents tabled in the committees. Immediately after the meeting, the audio recording is published on the PMG website Once a detailed written report has been compiled, it passes through an editorial and quality control process. It is then published on the PMG website within three working days of the committee proceedings along with all the relevant committee documents such as such as public submissions, working drafts of bills and briefings on policy & legislation.


Beyond the reporting of Committee proceedings, PMG provides

Early notification of calls for comment
Details of public hearings
Parliamentary programmes
Legislative programmes for departments
Bill Tracker – daily updates
A monthly newsletter about what was discussed in Parliament of relevance to communities
Ministerial Replies to MPs’ Written Questions  (members of parliament)

The current board members?

The six directors sitting on the board are: Mr Ghalib Galant (PMG Board Chair), Ms Nonhlanhla Chanza, Ms Colleen Ryan, Ms Erika Wessels, Ms Lynette Maart and Mr Elroy Paulus (PMG Board Treasurer).

Who are our staff members ?

Ms Gaile Fullard – Executive Director
Mr Rashaad Alli – Monitor and Projects Manager
Ms Pumza Mokorotlo – Document Officer / Administrator / Subscription manager
Ms Asanda Nika – Web Administrator
Ms Megan Lessing – Good Governance Project Coordinator
Mr Luvuyo Ngwayishe – Public Participation Officer
Ms Monique Doyle – Researcher
Mr Phumlani Dimon – Senior Monitor
Mr Siyabonga Nkibi – Senior Monitor

note again


The PMG’s activities are currently funded by the:

Open Society Foundation SA (George Soros)
Raith Foundation
Heinrich Böell Foundation
Government of Flanders
Indigo Trust.


Open Society Foundation

GEORGE SOROS (wêreldbekend – well-known)
His organisation is radical and liberal

OSFSA is een van die 3 finansiers vir ons Grondwet

Betrokke by die Dakar onderhandelings en gefinansier

Betrokke by Wes-Kaap en Universiteit van WK, finansier swart studente

Betrokke by protesaksies, studente protesaksies en finansier dit

Betrokke by Monsanto en gifstowwe – AgriSA en ook in Afrika

OSISA is deel van OSFSA

Hy en sy organisasies poog om ons te ontwapen
He and his organisation tried to make South Africa “gunfree” with all those criminals

Betrokke by verskeie Afrika lande – OSISA
Africa involvement



Soros Open Society Foundation website

The Open Society Foundation for South Africa (OSF-SA) is committed to promoting the values, institutions and practices of an open, non-racial and non-sexist, democratic, civil society.

OSF-SA supports a vigorous and autonomous civil society in which the rule of law and divergent opinions are respected. OSF-SA is a South African grant-making organisation and is a part of the Open Society Foundations.

Raith Foundation

Raith Foundation is a TRUST

The RAITH Foundation was registered as a Trust in March 2001. It is a Non-Profit Organisation and has tax-exempt status. The Foundation is privately funded, not politically affiliated and does not raise funds from the public.





Marikana shooting – millions and millions of grants were paid by Raith Foundation

Marikana funding

Background – There were a mining shooting and killing of 45 people at Marikana.



Their view:  QUOTE

T h e trustees of the RAITH Foundation have carefully considered your request. of 25 June 2013 for informa tion regarding its grant to Maluleke, Msimang & Associates (“MMA”). I n the interests of completeness and in order to provide context for the facts set out below, we furnish more detailed Information regarding all of our support for the Marikana Commission.

The RAITH Foundation is a private South African Foundation that has been making grants since 2001. Since 2010 lt has been involved in funding for social justice.

Through our funding we aim to effect systemic change in the interests o f fairness and justice. Our objective is to assist in building an active citizenry, one that has access to resources and opportunities. We also support Government and the private sector to fulfil their responsibilities. Our specific projects include enabling access to justice; information and education, and projects aimed a t ensuring greater accountability and improved governance. All funding must be approved by the board of the Foundation.

A contribution to the costs of the LRC’s work at the Commission. This included research into Lonmin’s policies as they relate to BEE, social and labour plans and its houslng, water and sanitation arrangements for the Lonmin “township”. This grant totaled R 1 000 000 and was spent during the period 1 October 2012 to 31

A grant to SERI, totaling R900 000. This amount was originally granted in order to support the costs of legal representation of a number of families whose loved ones ha d been killed at Marikana (in respect of which no legal aid had been approved a t that stage), as well a s the costs of representing AMCU. We were subsequently advised that legal aid had been approved in respect of the Families and we agreed that the grant could, in the main, be used for the representation of AMCU. This grant also covered the period 1 October 2012 to 31 March 2013. The professional fees paid under this grant were comparable to legal aid rates; and

A research grant o f R262 500 to the University of Johannesburg’s Research Chair in Social Change for research work into miners’ experience a t Marikana through their own testimony. This project aimed to provide a fuller picture than what was then presented In the media on the events at Marikana. This grant was c ompleted at the end of 2012.

Subsequently, in October 2012, we were approached by Maluleke Msimang & Associates who had been trying to access funding for their clients through Legal Aid South Africa and had been unsuccessful. As you are aware, Maluleke Msimang & Associates are representing the group known as “the injured and arrested persons” in the Commission. As such they had a large team but their initial informal request for approximately R6 million for the period October to December 2012 was more than RAITH could afford. How ever, in November of 2012 we did make an emergency grant to them, stipulating rates for advocates and attorneys comparable to those approved by Legal Aid South Africa and payment on receipt of invoices. The grant was limited to the period 1 October to 31 December 2012.

The total amount paid on this grant was R2 819 962. This funding included professional legal fees for attorneys and advocates (excluding disbursements) of R2 632 760 a t the agreed rates.

Legislation and regulations establishing ownership in South African Print Media
Legislation – Wetgewing: Media


Neem kennis – elke Immigrant het ‘n land van afkoms



Heinrich Böell Foundation

Heinrich Boll

The Heinrich Böll Foundation has been active in Southern Africa since 1989. For many organisations and individuals, we have become a partner for civic education and formation of networks, provider of international contacts, observer and analyst in the region.


Mission Statement Our main tenets are ecology and sustainability, democracy and human rights, self-determination and justice. We place particular emphasis on gender democracy, meaning social emancipation and equal rights for women and men. We are also committed to equal rights for cultural and ethnic minorities and to the societal and political participation of immigrants.

The Heinrich Böll Foundation – Mission Statement

The Heinrich Böll Foundation is part of the Green political movement that has developed worldwide as a response to the traditional politics of socialism, liberalism, and conservatism. Our main tenets are ecology and sustainability, democracy and human rights, self-determination and justice. We Are a Green Think Tank and an International Policy Network.


We work with organisations in a range of sectors:

Corporates, medium-sized and SME companies
Environmental and engineering consultants
Sustainability and SHEQ managers
Recycling and waste management companies
Local, provincial and national government
Development agencies and non-profits
Past and present clients include: Mergence Investment Managers, Sanlam, Distell, Nedbank, Metropolitan Life, Woolworths, GreenCape, PlasticsSA, PETCO, JG Afrika, MottMacDonald, Wasteman, WastePlan, Province of the Western Cape, City of Cape Town, Drakenstein and Saldanha Bay Municipalities, Heinrich Boell Foundation, Green Building Council of SA.


Government of Flanders

Hearth of Flanders in Europe

Flemish development cooperation makes an active contribution towards poverty reduction in Southern African, a region which has one of the highest poverty and inequality rates worldwide. As a reliable and predictable donor, our focus is on a limited number of sectors which reduce this inequality. In this way, we enable partner countries to achieve an increased level of prosperity and welfare for all their citizens in the long term.



Committees / Komitees

The MONITOR monthly newsletter is made possible by

Flanders Government


Social Economic Policy

The Government of Flanders committed Euros 1 324 367 (around R19 million) towards the initiative which is aimed at creating and supporting decent jobs in a sustainable and inclusive social economy. EDD’s in-kind contribution is R4.8 million, bringing the total project cost to around R23.7 million. The International Labour Organization will give technical support to the Economic Development Department in the implementation of this project. The project will be implemented over the next three financial years from 1 April 2017.

Flanders Agreement 2017


“Improvement of the socio-economic conditions of people in disadvantaged communities, focusing on education and entrepreneurship”

The IDC has as its partner in this programme, the Government of Flanders, which has provided €4 million in funding over three years to facilitate the growth of this sector.

Flancers, IDC and South Africa : Jobs


At 26.6%, unemployment in South Africa poses a challenge to the country and it has been exacerbated by the impact of the current slow growth cycle which has hampered the ability of the economy to create and retain employment opportunities for an expanding labour force. A priority for the IDC has therefore been to facilitate employment creation as well as to preserve existing jobs through its financing activities. Against this background, the number of jobs expected to be created and saved through IDC funding stood at 15 272 in the year under review. The Corporation is targeting the creation and saving of 20 000 jobs in the year ahead, with this figure set to rise to a possible 66 000 over the three-year period to 2019.

sed img1


Daar is verskeie projekte en verslae / artikels wat befonds word
Various projects
Economy, Science & Innovation in Flanders
When compared internationally, we can situate the Flemish figure (0.73%) above the EU-28 level (0.67%).
1.35 billion euro in 2014;.
Average of 0.73% of GDP in 2010-2014, despite the economic crisis.

A country strategy reflects the objectives and the choices of instruments for university cooperation for development between the country in question and Belgium/Flanders. A country strategy serves as a reference framework for programming, leading to strategy-based calls for proposals.


Indigo Trust

Indigo is van Brittanje (UK)
The Indigo Trust is a UK-based grant making foundation that works to create a world of active, informed citizens and responsive, accountable governments that together drive positive change in society. It is part of the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts (SFCT).

We provide small and high-risk grants (usually £10,000-20,000) to early-stage projects or organisations in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa and Uganda aimed at stimulating innovative approaches to transparency, accountability and citizen empowerment work. We particularly focus our efforts on supporting projects with low operating costs or sustainable business models and which use appropriate technology that is widely adopted locally. We give a strong preference to organisations based in Sub-Saharan Africa, as opposed to simply working there. We currently have two funding streams for this work focusing on:

Who are the funders here?


The Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts is the operating office of 17 different independent grant-making trusts established by members of three generations of the Sainsbury family.

Sainsbury Trust

Sainsbury trust Parlement Indigo.PNG

The Indigo Trust funds organisations that use digital technologies to improve transparency and accountability in sub-Saharan Africa.


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Image result for bolshevism and sacp flag photo

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